Reviewing is non-blind peer-review. For each paper two reviews are necessary. Editorial Board ensures that the reviewers do not suffer from the conflict of interests.
All submitted papers must be reviewed.
The objective of the review is to facilitate the selection of manuscripts for publication and development of recommendations for their improvement.
The procedure for the review focused on the most objective assessment of the paper content, determining its compliance with journal topics and providing a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of paper content.
Only those articles will be published that contribute to solving actual problems in engineering sciences.
The final decision for paper publishing is making by the meeting of the editorial board. After that decision Executive Secretary should notify the author about it.
Final version of the paper may be sent to the author for the approvement on his request.
Reviewer is prohibited to use any of derived arguments and conclusions of the author without his permission.
Criteria for papers review:
- compliance with journal topics;
- relevance of the research;
- novelty of the research;
- practical value of the research;
- the degree of scientific problem solving;
- clarity of the material;
- verification of the results;
- clarity of the illustrations;
- argumentativeness of the conclusions;
- the degree of disclosure paper content in the extended abstract.