polyvinyl chloride

Effect of Vinyltrimethoxysilane Surface Treatment and Immersion in Water on the Tensile Behaviors of Eggshells Polyvinyl Chloride Films Prepared by Solution Casting

Films based on polyvinyl chloride and different ratios of untreated and silane-treated eggshell powders were obtained by solution casting. The samples were exposed to water for 25 days. The effect of the degree of filling and filler treatment on the behavior and tensile properties of the compositions was determined and compared to that of the materials before immersion.

Сhecking the possibilities of the classic technology of chemical metalization of polymer granules

The possibility of obtaining metallized granules of high-tonnage polymers using classical metallization technology was studied. It is shown that this technology is not effective during the metallization of polyethylene and polypropylene. Certain positive points during metallization were achieved only in the case of polyvinyl chloride granules.


The results of experimental studies of copper plating of polyvinyl chloride granules in a chemical precipitation solution are presented. The influence of the surface area of polyvinyl chloride granules on the kinetic regularities of copper reduction and the copper content on metallized granules has been studied. It is established that the surface area of polyvinyl chloride granules has a significant effect on the rate of reduction of copper ions and does not affect the amount of reduced copper.


The high demand of polymer composite for modern technique causes the need to create new varieties of such materials. At present, the production of a wide range of fillers and polymer matrices has already been produced, which allows the use of polymer composite materials as both structural materials and special purpose materials.

Вплив природи термопласту-модифікатора на мігрування пластифікатора з полівінілхлоридних пластикатів

The effect of polystyrene modifier and diesterphthalic plasticizer nature on wettability of PVC by plasticizer and degree of its migration from the volume of the material is established. Встановлено вплив природи полістрольного модифікатора і диестерфталатного пластифікатора на змочуваність полівінілхлориду пластифікатором та ступінь його мігрування з об’єму матеріалу.

Вплив міжмолекулярних взаємодій на сумісність полівінілхлориду і полістиролу у діестерфталатних пластифікаторах

The influence of component composition and nature of plasticizer on the nature of intermolecular interactions in the system polyvinyl chloride - polystyrene - diesterphtalate and optical properties of polymer solutions is ascertained. The influence of intermolecular interactions on the compatibility parameter between macromolecules is revealed. Встановлений вплив компонентного складу і природи пластифікатора на характер міжмолекулярних взаємодій у системі полівінілхлорид – полістирол – діестерфталат та оптичні характеристики розчинів полімерів.