

Reinforced concrete pipes are exposed to environmental influences during the entire period of their operation.  As a result, defects and damage appear and reduce durability and bearing capacity. In this regard, there is a need to repair and strengthen them. In order to assess the effectiveness of strengthening reinforced concrete pipes, it is necessary to get data about deformations that appeared as a result of the loads on the reinforced concrete pipe.

Low velocity zones in the Earth crust and them petrophysical features

As low velocity zones result from temperature destruction of rocks uncompensated by pressure at 5-20 km depths, changes in T at these depths can lead to change in intensity of the thickness of these zones and rate of decrease in Vp within them. Crustal thermobaric zones are shown to increase, decrease and disappear depending on ∂T/∂Н, ∂Р/∂Н, λ, Т. Instability of the crustal thermobaric zones of low velocity result in their episodic occurrence in the crust and their vertical and horizontal migration depending on temperature fluctuations in the crust.

Дослідження впливу порушення зчеплення арматури з бетоном у приопорних ділянках залізобетонних ребристих плит покриття на їх несучу здатність

We consider the importance of identifying the damage impact on bearing capacity at the reference node ribbed slabs.

Дослідження виходу факелу полум’я через отвори під час розвитку пожежі у приміщенні

Development of fires in residential buildings is usually accompanied by the release of hot gases through the openings in walls. Along with the hot gases through the openings may come and plume flame, which increases radiating component of heat flow from the openings. The paper experimentally investigated at the time of the fire change size and shape of the plume flame, which goes through the openings enclosing constructions.

Calculation of the dynamic response of reinforced concrete structures subjected to the ffects of heavy transport

A 3D model of a reinforced concrete building was created using a dynamic analysis which focused on the spectral response of the object represented by a random excitation experiment found in records in the form of load spectra.