
Statics and Kinetics of Albumin Adsorption by Natural Zeolite

The statics and kinetics of albumin adsorption on natural zeolite of clinoptilolite structure have been investigated. The basic characteristics of zeolite have been determined. The method of albumin in a solution analysis was given. An isotherm of albumin adsorption was plotted and the Langmuir equation describing this isotherm was given. The presence of an external and pore diffusion adsorption mechanism has been experimentally established during the study of kinetics in a machine with mechanical stirring.

Innovation of Zeolite Modified Polyethersulfone Hollow Fibre Membrane for Haemodialysis of Creatinine

Zeolites were added to polyethersulphone (PES) membranes in order to enhance their capability of attracting creatinine. Zeolite was blended with PES by varying its doping concentration and time, and the mechanical properties of the resulting hollow fibre membranes produced under optimal concentration were characterised. The values of tensile stress, tensile strain and Young’s modulus, as well as the flux and rejection of the membranes were determined.

Thermodynamics of (NH4+) Cation Adsorption Under Static Conditions

The adsorption of ammonium ions by natural zeolite and Al2O3 under static conditions has been investigated. The reason for changing the investigated solution pH during adsorption of ammonium ions on Al2O3 has been grounded. A phase diagram of the twocomponent system has been constructed and the composition of the adsorption system in the state of equilibrium has been determined. The thermodynamic calculations of the adsorption system Al2O3–NH4Cl–H2O have been carried out.

Determination of competitive adsorption regularities in multi-component systems

Heavy metals in the environment are a source of some concern because of their potential reactivity, toxicity, and mobility in the soil. Zeolites have been used as a adsorbents to prevent potentially toxic metal contamination stemming from mining waste disposal. These materials are characterized by a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and a predominance of negative charges, favoring their potential utilization in metal cation immobilization. It is widely used in laboratory research and industrial applications. Many physical and chemical processes occur at different interfaces.


Production of Portland cement is one of the most energy intensive among building materials, it is accompanied by significant CO2 emissions: 0,7 to 1 ton per 1 ton of cement, depending on manufacturing technology. Therefore, replacement of Portland cement clinker with active mineral additives of natural or synthetic origin is environmentally and economically viable, while not causing significant adverse changes in the properties of cement binders.

Investigation of the Processes of Chemical (Acid) Labilizing of Clinoptilolite

The results of research of the chemical activation process of clinoptilolite from Sokirnytskyi field are shown. As a result of the research, the effectiveness of the influence on zeolite hydrochloric and sulfuric acids are compared. It should be noted that the advantage is on the side of hydrochloric acid. It was established that the increase in the concentration of sulfuric acid and the time of zeolite processing leads only to the increase in the content of the amorphous phase.

Kinetic regularities of copper ions adsorption by natural zeolite

The kinetics of copper ions adsorption by natural zeolite has been investigated in the apparatus with mechanical stirrer. The presence of external diffusion and pore diffusion area was established. For the external diffusive area, the dependence of mass transfer coefficient on stirrer rotation speed was confirmed; the dependence was described using a criterial equation. For the pore diffusion area, the equation is adduced by means of which the effective coefficient of pore diffusion was calculated.

Вплив модифікованого алюмосилікату на захисні властивості алкідних покриттів

It was established that natural and Ca modified zeolite inhibit steel corrosion in the medium of low acid rain. The Ca-containing zeolite inhibit the steel corrosion in the most effective way. The protective effectiveness of the alkyd coatings filled with zeolites can be placed in the following order:  unmodified < with natural zeolite < with Ca-containing zeolite.  Встановлено, що природний та модифікований кальцієм цеоліти інгібують корозію сталі в середовищі слабкокислих дощових опадів. Найефективніше інгібує корозію сталі Ca-вмісний цеоліт.

Concrete composites resistance in sulphur environment

Concrete structures and elements are often exposed to different aggressive environment. It leads to failures, cracking, weathering and deterioration of concrete materials. Under aggressive conditions, the concrete is liable to a corrosive process which is not usually caused by one specific factor but by combination of aggressive media. Sulphur environment is one of the most corrosive factors influencing the concrete durability.

The effect of zeolite addition at a temperature compaction of asphalt mixes

The beginnings of warm mix asphalt are connected with the use of foamed asphalt in the ‘60s of the last century. Asphalt foaming occurs by contact with water or water steam that can be entered mechanically or under pressure. The foaming effect can be also obtained by the adding of zeolite to the asphalt mixture which causes the lower viscosity of the asphalt, better workability and adhesiveness of the mixture to the aggregate in lower temperatures. Presently, synthetic zeolites Aspha-Min and Advera are used for reducing the processing temperature.