
Адсорбційне очищення стічних вод від пар

Adsorption of surfactants on varios types of adsorbent was experimentally investigated. Generalization of the obtained results of research and calculation data was carried out. Експериментально досліджено адсорбцію ПАР на різних типах сорбентів. Проведено узагальнення отриманих результатів досліджень та розрахункових даних. 

Complex water treatment of agroindustrial complexes

The aim of this work was studying the process of phosphate adsorption on natural and synthesized adsorbents such as aluminosilicates. Sorption properties of natural zeolite concerning phosphates in static and dynamic conditions were investigated. It was found that phosphates were absorbed better in an acidic environment. Zeolites based on fly ashes of Dobrotvir heat power plant were synthesized and modified. The equilibrium values of adsorption capacity were established and the proper isotherms at a temperature 20 °C were built.

Statics and kinetics of ammonium nitrogen sorption on natural zeolite under periodic conditions

Statics and kinetics of ammonium nitrogen absorption on natural zeolite were investigated experimentally under periodic conditions. A mathematical kinetics model was developed and a counterion diffusion coefficient was defined. The influence of phosphate compounds and protein on equilibrium and a rate of ammonium ion sorption was investigated

Analysis of Structure Formation Peculiarities during Hydration of Oil-Well Cement with Zeolitic Tuff and Metakaolin Additives

Investigations concerning the processes of plugging stone structure formation, using X-ray diffraction, electronic microscopy and differential thermal analyses, were implemented. Influence of active mineral additives of metakaolin and zeolite on the properties of plugging mortar and their interaction with Portland cement minerals with the aid of the model systems were established.

Mechanism of Phosphates Sorption by Zeolites Depending on Degree of their Substitution for Potassium Ions

The mechanism of phosphates sorption process on clinoptilolite was determined. The significant increase in zeolite sorption capacity was observed while interaction of zeolite and wastewaters with acid reaction. New active centers of zeolite are formed due to disalumination of its surface.