The paper investigates the impact of natural zeolite and air-entraining agent on the properties of mortar mixtures and hardened mortars of different functional application. It is shown that the introduction of natural zeolite slightly increase water demand of mortar mixtures and reduced segregation. Optimization of mortar mixture with the addition of zeolite and air-entraining agent was carried out. Graphical interpretation of obtained results reveals that the highest strength parameters show mortar containing 8 wt.% of zeolite and 0,1 wt.% of air-entraining agent. This mortar mixture has improved technological properties with an average density of 1940 kg/m3. Developed mortars characterizes by a lower shrinkage and higher resistance to freezing and thawing cycles in comparison with mortars without zeolite and air-entraining agent. Studies revealed that rational technical solutions for mortar design allowed to obtain a mixture with targeted technological parameters and hardened mortars with the required design strength, improved performance and increased durability properties.
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