image processing

Review of the Capabilities of the Jpeg-ls Algorithm for Its Use With Earth Surface Scanners

The article explores the possibilities of implementing the JPEG-LS image compression algorithm on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) for processing monochrome video streams from Earth surface scanners. A comparison of software implementations of the algorithms, their compression ratio, and execution time is conducted. Methods for improving FPGA performance are considered, using parallel data processing and optimized data structures to accelerate compression and decompression processes.


The paper investigates computer diagnostic systems, their architectures, methods, and algorithms used in their work to diagnose cancer, including breast, lung, brain, and other tumors.

Traditional and neural network methods for image segmentation and classification are analyzed and compared, and diagnostic tools in medicine are analyzed.

The key approaches to medical image processing are investigated, in particular, the analysis of segmentation methods based on U-Net networks and classification using convolutional neural networks.


Introducing neural network training process modification that uses combination of several datasets to optimize search of objects and obstacles using mobile robotic systems in a closed space. The study includes an analysis of papers and existing approaches aiming to solve the problem of object boundary detection and discovers the key features of several neural network architectures. During research, it was discovered that there is an insufficient amount of data about the effectiveness of using obstacle detection approaches by mobile robotics systems in a closed space.

Investigatory analysis of the natural hazards on the Indian coastline

Predictive analysis, comparative analysis, and image processing can provide vital insights into understanding natural phenomena.  Water bodies surround India on three sides, so natural disasters (cyclones, floods, and other related hazards) and rising water levels due to meteorological fluctuations are common occurrences.  The coastal states of India, due to their diverse nature, are constantly exposed to various risks.

Алгоритмічні та програмні засоби опрацювання зображень в операційній системі MAC OS X

Запропоновано алгоритмічні та програмні засоби опрацювання зображень в операційній системі Mac OS X. Забезпечено можливість коригування колірних характеристик зображення, змінюючи контрастність, чіткість, насиченість тіней, інтенсивність теплих відтінків, а також усунення ефекту червоних очей. Показані результати тестування запропонованих засобів, які підтверджують їх ефективність.

Поєднання алгоритму RSA і побітових операцій при шифруванні-дешифруванні зображень

Стосовно зображень розроблено модифікації алгоритму RSA такі, що зберігається криптографічна стійкість і забезпечується повна зашумленість зображення, з метою унеможливити використання методів візуальної обробки зображень.

For images modified RSA algorithm is developed such that stored cryptographic and secured full noisy image in order to prevent the use of methods of visual imaging.

Features of algorithmic and software tools for framing fuzzy images

This article examines the features of algorithmic and software tools for processing fuzzy images. The work uses three filters: CIGaussianBlur, CIUnsharpMask and CIBlendWithAlphaMask. The described filters allow you to improve image quality, reduce noise and reproduce details.The initial task is to process the blurring of images. For this, the CIGaussianBlur filter is used, which applies a Gaussian blur to the image. This blur reduces high-frequency noise and adds smoothness to the contours of objects.The second filter, CIUnsharpMask, is used to restore image details.

Extraction of ideogram features for diagnosing chromosomal abnormalities

This paper proposes an approach to the detection and extraction of specific features in an ideogram image. Ideogram is a depiction of a healthy chromosome used in a karyotyping process - a procedure designed to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities.

Extraction of ideogram features is a part of a general algorithm for the detection of chromosomal abnormlities. According to the general algorithm, both chromosomes and ideograms have to be parsed and converted into a single data format for further comparison.

A nonlinear fractional partial differential equation for image inpainting

Image inpainting is an important research area in image processing.  Its main purpose is to supplement missing or damaged domains of images using information from surrounding areas.  This step can be performed by using nonlinear diffusive filters requiring a resolution of partial differential evolution equations.  In this paper, we propose a filter defined by a partial differential nonlinear evolution equation with spatial fractional derivatives.  Due to this, we were able to improve the performance obtained by known inpainting models based on partial differential equations and extend certa

Methods to Increase the Contrast of the Image with Preserving the Visual Quality

Contrast enhancement is a technique for increasing the contrast of an image to obtain better image quality. As many existing contrast enhancement algorithms typically add too much contrast to an image, maintaining visual quality should be considered as a part of enhancing image contrast.