genetic algorithms

Tourist route optimization with a combined A* algorithm and genetic algorithm

This article contributes to the optimization of routes and circuits, aiming to enhance the overall tourist experience in alignment with smart tourism objectives.  Employing advanced techniques and tools like A*, genetic algorithms, and geographic information systems, the study aims to propose highly efficient paths for city exploration and touristic attraction visits.  It outlines future projections in optimization tools, attempting to integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to create customized itineraries based on user preferences.  Acknowl

The usage of genetic algorithms when planning railway transportation in international connection

The railway transport system in Ukraine stands as a pivotal sector within the nation's transportation infrastructure, accounting for a substantial portion of freight and passenger movement compared to domestic alternative modes of transportation. With direct border connections and collaboration with railways in Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary, Ukrzaliznytsia JSC facilitate operations through forty international railway crossings.

Самоорганізація в моделях обчислень нейронних мереж і декларативних програм

Порівнюються дві моделі обчислень – штучні нейронні мережі та декларативні програми, що побудовані на основі логіки предикатів. Пропонуються такі їх узагальнення, за яких процес обчислень зможе приводити до цілеспрямованих змін власної програми. Сформульовано принципи самоорганізації, за якими вказані зміни будуть не хаотичними, а визначеними в результаті пошуку. Для детального вивчення самоорганізації необхідне зближення та взаємне доповнення розглянутих моделей.

Neuro-fuzzy Genetic Algorithm of Optimization of Rehabilitation Therapy Plans

Proposed method of optimization of rehabilitation therapy plans using a genetic algorithm. For evaluation of alternatives generated during the optimization process, a fuzzy algorithm with neuro defazification – T-Controller, was used. Developed method tested on samples based on real plans of rehabilitation therapy.

Застосування генетичного алгоритму прямокутного розміщення для гільотинного розкрою

The algorithm for solving location of arbitrary shape blanks based on the theory of genetic algorithms is used for cut problem solving.

Особливості розроблення веб-систем для еволюційних обчислень

The article describes the features of genetic algorithms, as well as a review of program implementation of genetic algorithms. Based on these realizations discusses the features of systems development for evolutionary computation, and describes the features of web-system.

Using genetic algorithms for modelling informational processes

In this article genetic algorithms are considered including their types and practical applications. The scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers have been studied. This article presents methods and examples of solving tasks of data mining for genetic algorithms. The description of main components of models of genetic algorithms is presented. A parallel between biological systems and systems aimed at solving technical problems is drawn.