objective function


The article considers the implementation of methods for optimizing underground external engineering networks in order to reduce construction costs. For this purpose, the problem of optimizing the route of such networks is set in the form of a nonlinear programming problem. The route is modeled by a spatial polyline with rectilinear segments, and the coordinates of its vertices are considered design variables.

Identification of parameters of interval nonlinear models of static systems using multidimensional optimization

The article proposes an approach to parametric identification of interval nonlinear models of static systems based on the standard problem of minimizing the root mean square deviation between the values ​​of the modeled characteristics of the static object and the values ​​belonging to the experimental intervals.

On stability analysis study and strategies for optimal control of a mathematical model of hepatitis HCV with the latent state

In this work, we analyze a viral hepatitis C model.  This epidemic remains a major problem for global public health, in all communities, despite the efforts made.  The model is analyzed using the stability theory of systems of nonlinear differential equations.  Based on the results of the analysis, the proposed model has two equilibrium points: a disease-free equilibrium point $E_0$ and an endemic equilibrium point $E^{*}$.  We investigate the existence of equilibrium point of the model.  Furthermore, based on the indirect Lyapunov method, we study the local stability o

Design of Optimal Filter for Analog Signal

The technique for designing the optimal value of the filter time constant for analog signal is presented in the paper. This technique is based on the objective function which takes into account the quality index of the filtration process and the dynamic error of the filtered signal. The experimental study of the transient processes in a thermal plant was carried out in order to analyze the influence of the filter parameters on the quality of the filtration process.

Structural and Kinematic Synthesis of the 1-DOF Eight-Bar Walking Mechanism with Revolute Kinematic Pairs

Problem statement. The use of existing and the most widespread drives (wheeled and caterpillar one) is sometimes limited by complicated operational conditions while moving on rough terrain. The mentioned drives require a relatively flat surface to be operated effectively. A rocky or a hilly terrain imposes the demand of the use of alternative types of drives, in particular, walking ones.

Optimization of parametric balanced modulator based on frequency symbolic method

Application of the frequency symbolic method for analysis of established modes of linear periodically time-variable (LPTV) circuits to solving an optimization task conditioned by the control of their asymptotic stability is considered. The results of optimization of a parametric balanced modulator with respect to the criterion which is based on calculation of the parametric transfer functions approximated by Fourier trigonometric polynomials are presented.

Study of the Load Management Mechanisms in Content Delivery Networks

Concept content delivery network (CDN) system and load balancing mechanisms were considered in this paper. The main task of the CND network — providing the qualitative information delivery to the end user. Content Delivery Network (CDN) — is a geographically distributed network, that contains a number of content servers and routers. As a rule, it consists of a main node (Origin), and caching nodes (Edges) — points of presence, which can be located in various parts of the world. All content are stored and updated on the Origin server.

Розв’язання задач оптимального розміщення об’єктів методом імітаційного моделювання

This paper deals with questions of construction of mathematical and simulation models of optimal placement of objects, formalization of tasks and building placement algorithm solving problems of optimum allocation of objects by simulation.

Application of Gradient Method for Solving Constrained Optimization Tasks

The constrained optimization task of wool sheepskin tanning–greasing applying the gradient method is solved. The optimality criterion is formulated as a generalized additive objective function. The modified gradient method algorithm is based on software module. Mathematical description for a low-waste technology using dry chrome tanning agent is obtained and its constraints are determined.