
On the solution of the linear problem of Molodensky by the small parameter method

Molodensky's linear problem, as is well known, consists in determining the anomalous potential in the outer space of the physical surface of the Earth s with an accuracy of the order of the squared compression on the anomalies of gravity measured on s. It is an external boundary value problem for the Laplace equation with the simplest condition.

An exact solution of the Euler equation for some model of the atmosphere

In determining the equation of the light curve, the solution of the Euler equation is represented as a Taylor series. However, as a rule, the region of its convergence can not be established. Therefore, we propose to obtain an exact solution of this equation for a certain model of the atmosphere.

Створення нового технологічного процесу повного перероблення розчину стебницького хвостосховища у кондиційні продукти – натрію хлорид і бішофіт

In this article the new technological process of complete processing of solution Stebnik’s tailings on the basis a complex experimental researches, which involves the use of standard equipment, is developed. It enables to get two conditioned products (sodium chloride and bishofit) and potassium-magnesium fertilizer. The cyclic using of organic extractant in the process enables dramatically reduce material costs of processing tailings solution and provides ecological completeness of the process.

Structural Organization of Polymer Metal Complexes with Water or Phenanthroline and their Influence on Luminescence Properties

A monomer – 2-methyl-5-phenylpentene-1-dione-3,5, its solvent metal complex  Eu(III)-water, hybrid metal complex Eu(III)-phenanthroline, new metallopolymers based on them are obtained. The results of above studies have shown that the configuration of the chelate unit is unchanged during polymerization. Using the electron microscopy the homogeneity of metal distribution in the polymer matrix of synthesized metallopolymer was confirmed.

The Enthalpy of Mixing of the Laurylmethacrylate with Some Organic Solvents

The enthalpy of mixing for the binary systems of the laurylmethacrylate with hexane, benzene, 1,2-diclorethane and acetic acid have been measured as a function of their composition, the temperature of 293 K and at the atmospheric pressure, by the calorimetric methods. The concentration dependences of the enthalpies of mixing were correlated by polynomials.