The Enthalpy of Mixing of the Laurylmethacrylate with Some Organic Solvents
Received: May 26, 2014
Revised: September 11, 2014
Accepted: November 03, 2014

Valentyn Serheyev

Lviv Polytechnic National University 12 Bandery str., 790013 Lviv, Ukraine;

The enthalpy of mixing for the binary systems of the laurylmethacrylate with hexane, benzene, 1,2-diclorethane and acetic acid have been measured as a function of their composition, the temperature of 293 K and at the atmospheric pressure, by the calorimetric methods. The concentration dependences of the enthalpies of mixing were correlated by polynomials. For the system acetic acid–laurylmethacrylate the enthalpies of mixing were positive for all concentrations, while for other systems the enthalpies of mixing takes were positive only when the solvent concentration was greater than 25 mol %.

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