

The prospects of the pharmaceutical industry development are closely connected with scientific and technological progress. In Ukraine, handling hazardous medical waste is an open question. The rapid development of pharmacy in recent years has created and increased the possibility of the generation and accumulation of pharmaceutical waste at the enterprises and in the environment. Only a few enterprises deal with medical waste disposal. Medical waste recyclingrequires an extremely high level of attention and carriesgreat risks associated with handling this medical waste.

State Regulation and Strategic Development Management of Enterprises of State Sector: Methods and Mechanisms Improvement

In this article, conceptual frameworks and practically used regulating instruments, methods and mechanisms of state regulation of strategic development of public interest enterprises of the national economy are summarized and analyzed. The matter of concepts, which form specifically directed towards strategic development of bodies of state administration in modern world’s usage, are evaluated from the perspective of Ukrainian economy.

Thoretical and methodological positions of management of tolling operations at enterprises

For managers of enterprises, that realize tolling operations, an important task is to develop and implement the effective management mechanism of such type of operations to achieve the set goals in this area. It raises the need in compliance with uniform principles of management of tolling operations by both contractors of such interaction to establish mutually beneficial cooperation and avoid the conflicts of interests.

Design features of criminology as a method of study of personality of university students in connection with the commission of mercenarily-violent crime

In the article the features of design of criminology are considered as a complex method of research of personality of student of institution of higher learning, in connection with doing of mercenarily-violent crimes. Methodology of design of criminology is specified.

Мethods of forensic examination of microparticless of platinum

In the article on an example from expert practice the considered methods of forensic еxamination of microparticless of platinum. An exposure and separation of microparticless of platinum from mechanical mixture of other metallic microparticless conducted with the use of methods of optical microscopy, magnetic separation and chemical dissolution of metals.
For the decision of diagnostic and identification questions the method of emission spectrology was used.

Some aspects of the individual methods of prevention of juvenile offenders

In the article the features of individual prevention of juvenile delinquency and method of implementation. The attention to specific principles, hierarchy management, methods of different levels of special prevention of juvenile delinquency. The expediency distinguish methods of studying juvenile offender in order to further the prevention of it, and immediately the individual methods of prevention. The article revealed the essence of appropriate methods. Recommendations for their productive implementation.

Methods for Defining the Binary Coal Mixture Composition in the Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler

The paper deals with the methods for defining the composition of the coal mixture burnt in boilers at combined heat and power plants. Indirect methods for defining the proportions of the two grades of coal in the mixture based on the available information on the quality characteristics of the coal are proposed. According to the first method the coal mixture composition is determined based on the values of volatile substances content in the combustible mass of the coal mixture and of each grade of coal making up the mixture.

Socialization: methodological approach to problems

The article reveals the essence and meaning of methodological approaches to explain the process of socialization, analyzed the prospect of developing definite problem. The problem of socialization is analyzed on contemporary research in this area, offered a new perspective on its status in the social philosophy that meets the needs of a knowledge-social personality development prevailing in society today.

Financial analysis of the banking sector in Poland

In the market economy, banks act as financial intermediary. On one hand, they want to
make profit, but on the other hand they are called public-trust institutions. Since profit
maximization is not possible without taking risks, that is why risk taking must be controlled.
The activity of banks is therefore supervised by the Commission for Financial Supervision, the
National Polish Bank or Bank Guarantee Fund. Other participants in the economic process
must also have a clear picture of their financial position and management results. In the

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the estimation of intellectual capital construction enterprises

Shows the importance of economic resources in intellectual functioning modern
construction enterprises. Argued the importance of intellectual capital component in the
potential construction enterprises.
The essence of the theoretical and methodological approaches to the assessment of
intellectual capital construction companies, methods and indicators for its evaluation. Reveals
the need to determine the volume of the formation and use of intellectual capital construction