corrosion inhibitors


Polycarboxylates are carboxyl-containing monomer-based polymers with carboxyl groups that are not directly bound to the aliphatic polymer chain. They are used as superplasticizers of concrete, demulsifiers for dehydration, anti-corrosion preservatives for steel and inhibitors of salt deposits in oil pipelines.

The purpose of our work was to review the literature data on the use of polycarboxylates as inhibitors of corrosion and saline deposits, as well as methods for the synthesis of monomers for their production.

Production of Corrosion Inhibitors for Oil Refining Equipment Using Natural Components

It is proposed to use plant and animal raw materials to produce corrosion inhibitors of oil refining equipment. The corrosion inhibitors based on vegetable oil and animal fat with di- and triethanolamine have been synthesized, nitrogen-containing corrosion inhibitors have been obtained, their physical and chemical parameters have been determined. By using the gravimetric method the protective effect of the received inhibitors was determined on St20 steel in a two-phase corrosive environment simulating the preliminary preparation conditions of oil at electro-salting and dehydration plants.

Вивчення інгібування корозії вуглецевої сталі методом імпедансної спектроскопії

The inhibitory action of nitrogen- and oxygen-containing inhibitors has been investigated by impedance spectroscopy using commercial Armco iron in 0,1 M solution of hydrochloric acid with butanol. The mechanism of blocking effect of the studied compounds has been determined. Методом імпедансної спектроскопії досліджено захисні властивості інгібіторів корозії з нітроген- та оксигенгрупами на промисловому варіанті заліза Армко в 0,1 М розчині соляної кислоти з бутанолом. Визначено механізм блокувального ефекту досліджуваних речовин.

Investigation of Reagents with Different Chemical Compositions for Protection of Oil Primary Refining Equipment

The article deals with the investigation results of nitrogen-containing compounds solubility in non-polar and polar solvents, as well as low-temperature properties of formed solutions and their anticorrosive properties as corrosion inhibitors in the hydrocarbon-water two-phase system.

Protective Properties and Spectral Analysis of Nitrogen- and Oxygen-Containing Corrosion Inhibitors for Oil Equipment

The protective properties of six corrosion inhibitors based on imidazolines, amides, amines and esters have been determined using gravimetric and potentiometric methods. The effect of inhibitor solvent on the protective properties has been examined. The dependence of inhibitor protective effect upon the content of nitrogen and functional groups has been determined. The most effective inhibitors have been chosen and their IR-spectra have been shown.