: 78-84
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Research and Production Company "Halychyna"

Polycarboxylates are carboxyl-containing monomer-based polymers with carboxyl groups that are not directly bound to the aliphatic polymer chain. They are used as superplasticizers of concrete, demulsifiers for dehydration, anti-corrosion preservatives for steel and inhibitors of salt deposits in oil pipelines.

The purpose of our work was to review the literature data on the use of polycarboxylates as inhibitors of corrosion and saline deposits, as well as methods for the synthesis of monomers for their production.

Known anticorrosive preservatives are usually obtained on the basis of mineral oil, so after use, it is necessary to use degreasing compositions from organic solvents that pollute the environment. Since polycarboxylates are water soluble film formers, the purification step is simplified and more environmentally friendly. The protective effect of monomer type carboxylates can be increased by combining with azoles.

They can also be used as anti-scalars to reduce the deposition of low-soluble compounds.

The research results of corrosion resistance of the previously synthesized polycarboxylates have shown that the conservation coating of steel on the basis of the polycarboxylate of the branched structure is much better inhibited by corrosion than the linear carboxylate polycarboxylate.

The most suitable source materials for the carboxyl-containing macromonomers for polycarboxylate with a remote carboxyl group are hydroxy (poly) alkyleneoxy (meth) acrylate (GPAAMA). These compounds are industrially available.

GPAAMA are monosubstituted esters with one hydroxyl group, that is, they have the properties of alcohols, so the carboxyl group can be injected in the ω-position of the unsatureted (meth) acrylic bond of the GPAAMA molecule by acylation with dicarboxylic acid or its anhydride to form (poly) alkyleneoxy (meth) acrylic monocrystals of dicarboxylic acids. This reaction is irreversible, enough fast, does not require solvents.

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