кримінальне провадження

On the Issue of Ensuring the Safety of Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings

Abstract. The legal status of a witness in criminal proceedings entails a set of rights and obligations, which are intended to ensure their cooperation with judicial authorities to fulfill the objectives of criminal justice.

Security measures for witnesses (physical protection, confidentiality, etc.) must guarantee the provision of testimony without fear for their own life or the lives of their loved ones, as well as prevent potential pressure or physical harm from criminals or other interested parties.

Features of the Conduct of Investigators (Detectives) Action (Interrogation) under the Conditions of the State of Martial

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of conducting investigative actions
(interrogation) caused by the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine.
The article analyzes the legislative innovations that were established in connection with
the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of the state, in particular, the
possibility of using as evidence by the court the video recording of the statements that were given

Inspection of the Scene: Features of the Involvement of a Specialist

The features of involving a specialist during the examination of the scene have been considered. It is noted that one of the main functions of the state is to counter crime, which is the basis of its criminal justice policy in all its manifestations, directions, and forms. The criminal justice aspect of countering crime primarily involves the activities of law enforcement agencies in detecting and investigating criminal offenses, establishing the guilty parties in their commission, and holding them accountable.

Regarding compliance with national standards for ensuring individual rights to protection in accordance with international standards

The issue of compliance with national standards ensuring an individual’s right to protection in accordance with international standards has been considered. It is noted that one of the primary tasks of modern international law is to ensure international protection of human rights and establish norms regulating relations between states and other subjects of international law. These norms aim to guarantee the rights and freedoms of individuals as provided by international agreements.

Imposition of arrests on property in criminal cases proceedings in Ukraine: problem issues

Annotation. The article deals with the topical issues of applying such a measure of securing criminal proceedings as seizure of property. Particular attention is paid to the legal status of the third party in relation to whose property the issue of seizure is being resolved, problematic issues that arise in the process of seizure of property and when criminal proceedings are closed during the pre-trial investigation and the issue of lifting the seizure of property has not been resolved are analyzed.

Feautures of inspection of the place of the event in the process of pre-judicial investigation of certain criminal offenses against personal life

The article examines the problematic issues of the criminal process and criminology regarding the organization and inspection of the scene during the investigation of certain types of criminal offenses against a person's life, in particular, serial murders.

On the possibility of conducting certain types of examinations in cases about road accidents before the opening of criminal proceedings

The article examines the possibility of conducting some types of expert examinations in cases of road accidents before the opening of criminal proceedings, discusses the debatable issues related to the violation of the personal interests of the participants at the stage of opening criminal proceedings and the unjustified delay in making a decision to open criminal proceedings or to refuse them.

Legal provisions regarding involvement in private life in criminal procedural law

The Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine distinguishes between investigative (investigative) and covert investigative (investigative) actions. It is to covert investigative actions - interference in private communication. Communication is the transmission of information in any form from one person to another directly or through any means of communication. The article is devoted to the problem of defining the concept, content and extent of interference in private life in criminal procedure law.