кримінальне провадження

The problem of procedural leadership for previous investigations as the institute of prosecutor’s activities

The article deals with the problem of determining the essence of the problem of the
procedural management of pre-trial investigation as an institute of prosecuting, as well as
establishing the correlation between the charges in criminal proceedings and the procedural
guidance at the stage of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings. On the basis of the
research of the scientific positions of individual scientists and the analysis of the current
legislation of Ukraine, it is concluded that the procedural management of the prosecutor by the

Problematic issues of appointment of forensic examination in criminal proceedings

In the article on the basis of analysis of normative legal acts considered the problematic issues of appointment of forensic examination in criminal proceedings. The necessity of making appropriate amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Forensic Expertise” is determined with the aim of bringing its norms in line with the CPC norms regarding the procedure for appointing forensic examinations in criminal proceedings.

Evidence of psychophysiological inspectionsin criminal proceedings: foreign experience and native reality

The article is devoted to the problem of the use of polygraph psychophysiological
examinations in criminal proceedings. On the basis of the analysis of foreign experience of
conducting polygraph psycho-physiological examinations, the conclusion was drawn about the
importance of the experience of a number of states to solve the problem of the probative value
of psycho-physiological checks in criminal proceedings, as well as to improve the current
criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine.

Foreign experience in the organization of forensic expertise in the process of prosecution

The article is devoted to the problem of organization of forensic expert activity in the
process of criminal prosecution and, in general, the problem of improving the whole procedure
for obtaining evidence in the course of criminal proceedings. On the basis of the analysis of
domestic and foreign scientific literature, some issues of the organization of forensic expert
activity in some European states, as well as issues of legal (procedural) status of a judicial
expert are investigated. The conclusion is drawn about the importance of foreign experience in

Features of expert investigation in criminal proceedings

In the article on the basis of the analysis of normative legal acts the peculiarities of
conducting expert research in criminal proceedings are considered. Taking into account the
commonality of the process under expert investigation, which is conducted in a criminal
proceeding on the initiative of the body of pre-trial investigation, it is necessary to understand
the legal expertise.

Сутність кримінального переслідування та проблема його законодавчого закріплення

Статтю присвячено проблемі визначення сутності кримінального переслідування
як інституту кримінального процесуального права, а також встановлення співвідно-
шення обвинувачення в кримінальному провадженні та кримінального переслідування.
На основі дослідження наукових позицій окремих вчених-процесуалістів щодо сутності
кримінального переслідування як кримінальної процесуальної категорії зроблено
висновок, що кримінальне переслідування є провідною самостійною функцією кримі-

Цивільний відповідач у кримінальному провадженні

Розглянуто питання, пов’язані із з’ясуванням деяких аспектів правового статусу
цивільного відповідача як учасника (суб’єкта) кримінального провадження. Участь осіб
у кримінальному провадженні потребує чіткого знання прав та обов’язків кожного
учасника цих відносин, зокрема і цивільного відповідача. Визначено, що цивільний
відповідач є самостійним учасником кримінального процесу, який відповідно до свого

Judicial examination of objects of intellectual property, as one of sources of proofs in criminal realization

The question of concept and maintenance of realization of judicial examination  is considered in the field of intellectual property during pre-trial investigation. The order of realization of judicial examination  is described in the field of intellectual property. The basic types of over judicial  examinations  are brought in the field of intellectual property. The task of judicial expert is outlined at  investigational objects of intellectual property.

Рarticipation of the prosecutor in proving circumstances justifying the application of preventive measures

Strengthening the role of prosecutors by the exercise of supervision in the form of pre-trial investigation procedure requires management to study the characteristics exercising their judicial powers on key areas of criminal procedural activities.