
Вибір оливної основи мастильних рідин для формування скловиробів ª

The characteristics of the commercial mineral oils produced in Ukraine, as well as straight-run oil distillates and extract of oil production is described. The mentioned products may be used as oil base of lubricants to form glassworks. The oils MS-20 and I-40 are found to be the best. Охарактеризовано товарні мінеральні оливи, вироблені в Україні, а також прямо- гонні оливні дистиляти і екстракти оливного виробництва, які можуть бути використані як оливна основа мастильних рідин для формування скловиробів. Встановлено, що найкращі властивості мають нафтові оливи МС-20 та І-40. 

Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Thermal Stability of Oil Based Lubricating Fluids for Glassware Production

The investigation results about physico-chemical characteristics of I-40 and MS-20 commercial mineral oils are represented. It is shown that such oils may be the basis for the lubricating fluids used for press mold lubrication while glass containers production. Thermal stability of oils and their hydrocarbon fractions was studied. It was established that I-40 oil contains resins capable to form coke-like densification products while their burning. It is recommended to use MS-20 oil as the basis for lubricants.