міжнародне співробітництво

Legal aspects of cybersecurity in Ukraine: current challenges and the role of national legislation

Summary. The article identifies the peculiarities of the current state of cybersecurity in Ukraine and emphasizes the importance of applying effective legislation aimed at protecting the cyber structure, as well as choosing the best tools and mechanisms to combat cyber threats.

Research of Ways to Develop Ukrainian and Polish Cooperation in the Field of Coordination of Industrial Enterprises

The article examines the ways of developing Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in the field of coordination of industrial enterprises. The authors of the article note that Ukraine and Poland have significant potential for the development of cooperation in the field of industry. Both countries have a developed industrial base, which is represented by enterprises of various profiles and scales. In addition, Ukraine and Poland have a well-established system of transport and logistics infrastructure, which allows for effective production cooperation and trade operations.

Modernization of the activities of law enforcement bodies of Ukraine in modern conditions

Annotation. The current conditions of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine are extremely complex, which requires increased efficiency in this area. The purpose of this article was to highlight the main directions of modernization of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. This study was carried out within the limits of the set goal using the following methods: information-analytical method, system approach method, anamnestic method, descriptive statistics method, descriptive analysis method, forecasting method.

Recognition and enforcement of decisions of foreign courts and arbitrations on the territory of Ukraine

The article highlights the current problem of recognition and enforcement of decisions of foreign courts and arbitrations on the territory of Ukraine - circumstances that make such enforcement impossible or difficult.

Peculiarities of motibation the personnel of enterprises in the context of deepening internetional cooperation

The article provides a definition of the term “motivation” and an overview of the motivation process. Following a summary of every source examined, the following conclusions can be made: By addressing all of an employee’s demands, motivation is a method that encourages staff to perform efficiently to accomplish goals.

The writers underlined the significance of researching motivational techniques and frameworks and the utilization of contemporary employee motivation theories and strategies in the context of strengthening global cooperation.

International cooperation in the field of prevention and counteraction

The article highlights the most actual social problem of Ukraine, as well as many countries around the world - preventing and counteracting corruption in all fields of government through cooperation with international organizations.

There is a widespread opinion in the collective  consciousness that corruption crimes do not cause significant harm to society, so certain social sectors choose not legal but corrupt ways to solve everyday problems. An honest official often does not please either the general population or entrepreneurs as his most active part.

Правова інтеграція України у площині глобалізаційного дискурсу

Інтеграційні процеси, що відбуваються у сучасному світі, призводять до розвитку
національної системи законодавства. Досліджуючи виникнення та еволюцію українського
законодавства, варто зауважити, що цей процес є тривалим і характеризується
конкретними етапами розвитку й становлення нашої держави. Впроваджуючи інтеграційні
процеси в країні, насамперед, необхідно керуватися тим, що кожна правова система певної
держави, яка обумовлюється системою національного законодавства, є унікальною.

Joint operations of State fiscal service of Ukraine and intra-european organization of tax administrations (IOTA)

The article analyze joint operations of State fiscal service of Ukraine (STS of Ukraine) and Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA). The chief directions of the cooperation for the recent year are characterized, as well as the IOTA contribution to the STS of Ukraine.