
Criminal law approaches to the analysis of crime prevention programs in the USA

It was emphasized that in Ukraine, representatives of all types of law enforcement activities develop certain methods and measures to combat crime at the level of their own competence. Of course, there are national and regional programs, but specific bodies and their divisions have considerable freedom of action regarding the direction of professional implementation.

Victimology apparatus for domestic violence research

Crime, as a manifestation of illegal encroachments, is one of the urgent problems of our state, and counteracting it is an important area of activity of the state in general, and law enforcement agencies in particular. At all times, mercenary-violent crime was perceived as a serious threat to the highest social values, which led to public demand for effective forms of counteraction and protection of the interests of people, society and the state from mercenary violent encroachments, reducing the risk of falling victim to these crimes.

Prevention as a drug addiction activity

Problematic issues of drug addiction are considered. It is emphasized that drug addiction is one of the highest priority problems of our time due to its medical and social consequences. The health consequences of drug use are a growing concern around the world. It is noted that the spread of illicit drug use is becoming a large-scale antisocial phenomenon, which leads to the destruction of physical and moral health of the nation, its gene pool, law and order, intellectual and economic potential of our country.

Legal prevention in the context of a wide and understanding understanding

The article deals with the consideration of theoretical approaches to the definition of legal prevention in the context of broad and narrow understanding. Various scientific approaches to the definition of the term legal prevention in terms of criminal, criminal procedural, civil, administrative, labor law have been investigated. The essence of the concept of legal prevention as prevention, prevention and all the basic aspects related to the legal regulation of the legal phenomenon under investigation are revealed.

Sanitary and hygienic examination as a form for the profilaction of food loads

Sanitary and hygienic examination of food products and food raw materials is an
important means of food poisoning preventing among the Ukrainian population. At the heart
of the indicators of their safety are the permitted levels of the content of hazardous to health
and life of substances of chemical and biological origin. Sanitary and hygienic measures
require further improvement at the legislative level.

Концептуальні підходи до визначення поняття та змісту профілактики (попередження) злочинів у кримінально-виконавчих установах

Розкрито поняття та суть запобігання злочинам у кримінально-виконавчих уста-
новах. Визначено основне завдання щодо запобігання такій злочинності. Проаналізовано
Державні програми щодо протидії злочинності в Україні. Розглянуто вітчизняні та
міжнародні нормативно-правові акти щодо запобігання пенітенціарній злочинності.

Conciliation with a victim as a measure for administrative offences prevention

The article deals with the main issues of the reconciliation between guilty person and a victim of an administrative offence. The author of an article suggests his vision towards the application of the reconciliation, in specified by Ukrainian legislation cases, as one of the preventive measures of influence in order to educate the citizens to be fair and law-abiding under different circumstances.

On contemporary legal principles of resistance to commission of administrative offenses

The article deals with the issues of existing legal principles of resistance to administrative offense. The author of an article suggests his vision of prophylactic and preventive administrative measures of resistance to administrative offense.