Crime, as a manifestation of illegal encroachments, is one of the urgent problems of our state, and counteracting it is an important area of activity of the state in general, and law enforcement agencies in particular. At all times, mercenary-violent crime was perceived as a serious threat to the highest social values, which led to public demand for effective forms of counteraction and protection of the interests of people, society and the state from mercenary violent encroachments, reducing the risk of falling victim to these crimes.
The concept of "violence" is currently widely used not only in everyday life, but is also included in the terminological apparatus of various sciences. Philosophy, psychology, criminal law, criminology, forensics and other sciences approach the solution of the problem of defining the concept of "violence" independently, without using already existing definitions in related fields.
The definition of violence may vary depending on the purposes of its use. This is due to the fact that the violence itself has a rather "wide format". It is a social and legal phenomenon, not limited by the framework of criminal law. In other words, violence can include both criminal offenses and administrative offenses, as well as other forms of behavior that are not formally delicts, but contradict the generally accepted and approved norms of behavior, forming prerequisites for violent crime as such.
In this regard, it is necessary to specify that in the context of the real study, only the criminal law concept of violence will be used, evaluated from the standpoint of the criminal law as an offense and, accordingly, possessing all its features. Such a concept is necessary for clearly defining the subject of research, operating on it to distinguish related problems in the process of studying empirical material.
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