
Кінетика фільтраційного сушіння амофосу

The paper is dedicated to theoretical and experimental investigation of the kinetics of ammophos filtration drying. On the basis of experimental investigations, the criterial dependencies for determination of heat-and-mass transfer are received and the analogy between external heat transfer and mass transfer is determined. Розглядаються теоретичні та експериментальні дослідження кінетики фільтра- ційного сушіння амофосу.

Development of Ammophos Production Technology from Algerian Phosphorites

Technological aspects of ammophos production using Algerian phosphorites as a raw material have been investigated. The necessity of increased consumption of sulphuric acid during the Algerian phosporites processing compared with apatite processing has been grounded. The dependence of pH solution on NH3:H3PO4 molar ratio has been determined during neutralization of extraction phosphoric acid prepared from Algerian phosphorites. The necessity of acid solution deeper neutralization in the technology of extraction phosphoric acid production has been proved.