
Interrelation of emotional intelligence and characteristics of managers’’leadership potential

The authors consider the interpretation of the essence of “leadership” and “emotional intelligence”. The purpose of the study is to form a set of knowledge and skills for the disclosure of emotional intelligence and the formation of socio-economic qualities of a leader. Among the tasks are the study of theories on determining the level of leadership potential, determining the level of leadership in managers of enterprise “A”, assessing the management of the enterprise on the basis of a questionnaire and determining the level of leadership potential of managers.

Management of the Professional Development of the Future Manager at the Initial Stage of University Education

The article analyzes the structure of the process of professional formation of future managers, identifies the components of the characteristics of a future specialist that ensure effective management of professional formation. The concept of professional formation of the individual, which is considered by scientists as the formation of professional orientation, competence, socially significant and professionally important qualities and their integration, readiness for constant personal and professional growth, is de- fined.

Emotional intelligence in the staff management system: structure and problems of assessment

The growth of the acceptability of emotional intelligence as a major factor in the assessment of personality and effective human resource management is substantiated. Emotional intelligence as the ability to develop potential, empathize, cooperate, motivate and develop others cannot be separated from the system of effective activity and human resource management. The human personality is crucial in determining organizational leadership and success in terms of challenges and opportunities, as well as the passage of both international and bilateral relations.

Principles of developing a web application for monitoring employee skills

Summarizing the definition of the concept of "skills" from the reviewed literary sources, we determine that: skills are a combination of knowledge and skills that a person has acquired during his life. To improve skills, you need to choose certain tools (trainings, seminars, webinars, online courses, refresher courses, reading special literature, etc.). Personal qualities and attitudes of young people are important in choosing tools and achieving results. As part of this study, the principles of building a web application for monitoring the skills of employees were designed and developed.


Managing the effectiveness of the organization is one of the main functions of the professional activities of the newest Ukrainian managers. Managing the effectiveness of the organization is a continuous process that logically covers the actions and procedures of the linear manager in a single chain according to the logic of meaningful activity: from the formulation of goals to control the achieved results. The main consequence of the evolution of performance management over the last decade is to focus not only on goals but also on means.