
Mobile information technologies of user navigation in buildings

The article is devoted to the indoors positioning technology and user mobile positioning devices. The possibilities of computer technology of indoors positioning of the device when navigating the user through the territory of tourist sites, which are castles, museums, galleries and architectural monuments have been described. Popular positioning technology, which is a GPS (Global Positioning System) is not fully operating in indoor environment and buildings.

Intellectual System “Mobile Information Assistant of the Tourist”: Functional and Technological Features

The main objective of the article is to present general description and statement of purpose, content, functional and technological features of software and algorithmic complex that implements the concept of intelligent system “Mobile tourist information assistant”, developed by scientists from the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”. In the work the basic problem situations that arise in the process of creating intellectual information system of this class and methods and ways to overcome them are presented and analyzed.

Geoinformation Technologies for Various Groups of Tourists Travel Support

In this paper an analysis of researches and development in information technologies for planning trips and in-travel support for various groups of tourists was provided. It allowed forming the classification of GIS and applications based on these different problems and needs of different groups of tourists. The necessitate for development of geographic information technology tools was proved to provide personalization, optimization and support for tourist in all phases of his travel using mobile technologies of combined with GIS functionality.

Promotion of history and culture monuments by local governments using modern information and advertising tools

Today society is an indicator of maturity of attitude towards the monuments of history and culture. Preservation and promotion of them should be one of the important areas of public policy, because the rich cultural heritage of Ukraine is a part of world cultural heritage. Millions of historical and cultural monuments are on the state account in regions Ukraine. More than 12 mln. оf them are kept in the local museums. Historical and cultural influence on personality development, enrich its spiritual growth, causing emotional excitement, because they are unique evidence of the past.

Administrative and legal regulations and governance the tourism sector Ukraine

The paper analyzes the issues related to the development of the domestic tourism business, which consists of recreation and tourism and is an integral part of world tourism process. Despite all the political and socio-economic problems of recent years, the tourism industry can become that sector of the economy of Ukraine, which will serve as the economic growth of our country, which
can be achieved only through effective government regulation and control.

Mobile Information Technologies of Navigation of a User in Complex Indoor Environment

The article depicts the indoors positioning technology and user mobile positioning devices. It describes the possibilities of computer technology of indoors positioning of the device when navigating the user through the territory of tourist sites, which are castles, museums, galleries and architectural monuments. Popular positioning technology, which is a GPS (Global Positioning System) is not fully operating in indoor environment and buildings.

Krakow, a metropolis of tourism and spiritualism

The architecture and art of Krakow has clear traces of the influence of Rome, Byzantium, as well as the theological thought of the Greeks, Greek Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Protestants and adherents of Judaism. Currently, the two main monotheistic traditions of the East and the West remain connected in the works of Nowosielski, as well as in the form of one of the newest and largest churches. It is similar in Lviv, which remains an important part of the myth of Galicia.

State and factors of development perspectives of tourist activity in Ukrainian regions

In the paper the regional peculiarities of tourism activities in the regions of Ukraine have been analyzed with use of correlation analysis, the method of a point assessment and with definition of the coefficient of determination. The impact of the factors such as competition in the tourist market, the population size and personal income, tourism resources on the development of tourism business has been analysed. The comparison of the tourist potential of the regions of Ukraine has been carried out with the use of the value index of tourist enterprises.

Tourism as a system

Understanding tourism as a systemic phenomenon is connected with the necessity of structuring the totality of its economic elements and relationships among them to solve basic problems that exist in the tourism sector today. A systematic approach is key to the effective management of tourism at all levels. 
In the work highlighted two main objectives: to explore the most famous in the world practice of economic system model of tourism; to develop its own model of economic information systems