finite element method

The stress-strain state modelling of the autochthonous sedimentary complex in the dynamic influence zone of the thrust wedge

Purpose. Computer modelling in the framework of continuum mechanics is a powerful tool to obtain qualitative and quantitative deformation parameters in the geological media. The purpose of this work was to study stress and strain fields of the sedimentary autochthonous complex owing to moving a thrust wedge. Subject of inquiry is layered rocks with different geometrical and mechanical properties bounded by the basement of the peleobasin and compressive thrust wedge taking into account the gravitational forces and contact frictions. Methodology.

Modeling elastic-dynamic effects of the crust under nuclear power plant (on the example of Chornobyl NPP)

Purpose. The aim of study is to create the method of seismic wave fields modeling for a broad class of vertically and horizontally inhomogeneous layered media. Simulation will make it possible to more precisely assess the characteristics of sedimentary strata in the study of the transmission characteristics of the environment under the engineering structures. Methodology. At modeling in engineering seismology should be used a wide frequency range (from 0 to 200 Hz) to study all possible effects on engineering structures.

Modeling stress-strain state bases of engineering constructions for evaluation of seismic hazard

Purpose. The aim of this work was to evaluate changes in the transfer characteristics of the seismic environment with additional loading of massive engineering structures. This analysis will help to more accurately assess the characteristics of sedimentary layer in the study of the transfer characteristics of environment under the engineering structures already at the design stage of construction. Methodology. Frequency characteristic of environment was obtained by solving the direct dynamic seismic problem.

Problems and prospects of estimating Earth deformation fields from geodetic data

Aim. Analysis of the current state of solving the problem the estimating of earth deformation fields based on continuum mechanics, improving traditional methods the estimating of horizontal deformations, definition an alternative approach and justification of ways and the algorithm of solving the problem based on it. Methodology and results. The analysis showed some shortcomings of traditional solving of the problem. In order to minimize their impact the improved method of mathematical and cartographic modeling of linear deformations is proposed.