
Investigation of the accuracy of GNSS-vector measurements during the deformation monitoring of engineering structures: case study in tested network

Purpose. The aim of the investigation is optimization monitoring of spatial displacements by GNSS and selection of minimal intervals of GNSS observations with given accuracy parameters. Methodology. For simulate the monitoring process on a real object tested network GNSS vectors with different lengths were installed. The network consisted of 4 points where two-frequency GNSS receivers were installed.

Effective methods of approximation and prognostication of settling engineering buildings

Aim. Improvements of the methods of approximation of settling by exponential, finely-rational, polynomial, and sinusoidal functions with the definition of intervals between observation cycles. Methods and results of the work. The methods of approximation and prognostication of settling of control benchmarks of building are examined.

Investigation of possibilities for improving the quality of 3D-printing products

The analysis methods of quality control on production 3D- printer for selective laser sintering technology of special products via the sizes of which we can estimate the geometric parameters and via an additional control system we can high up their quality in real time. Increasing demands for precision measurement raises new problems of optimization of mathematical models of measuring  transformations, and adequate processing of experimental data.


The structure and principles of constructing a distributed monitoring and forecasting system for water bodies quality designed to forecast the state of water supply sources in the remote mode are considered. The database of water bodies of Ukraine for storing the received data, including the data from the nongovernment and international organizations, is implemented. The interaction between the distributed subsystems is carried out via the client-server architecture.

Geoelectromagnetic monitoring of seismotectonic processes in the Transcarpathian active seismic zone

Temporal variations of induction vectors in the Transcarpathian active seismic zone were investigated. Analyses of long-term series of magnetic-variation observations let’s to made a conclusion about correlations of Wise vectors variations with seismic processes in the crust and, also, about perspectives of a method’s implementation in detection of local earthquakes precursors (with M>3 magnitude) in the geological-geophysics conditions of the Transcarpathians trough.


To achieve the goals and tasks of modernizing the organization of production activities, it
is advisable to monitor its effectiveness. In the process of managing the entire enterprise, or a
separate structural subdivision, there are large number of unforeseen procedures for
managing situations and uncertainties. Decision-making in emerging situations largely depends
on the system of process monitoring, which gives grounds for making conclusions about the
correctness of the decision in a particular situation.

Study of horizontal displacements of the channel of Dniester river using remote sensing data and GIS-technologies

Aim. The aim of the work is to research the method of studying horizontal displacements in the channel of the Dniester river from town Galich to town Zalishchiki using topographic maps of different periods, special maps, and space images. Such an integrated approach of using various data for receiving input information about the river bed together with processing in ArcGIS made it possible to monitor the displacements of the channel, and to determine displacement values over a significant period of time.

Informativity of geomagnetic monitoring in the Transcarpathian active seismic zone

The results of geomagnetic monitoring during investigations of seismic-tectonic processes in the in the Transcarpathian active seismic zone are shown. Tectonic-magnetic anomalies with different duration and intensity were detected. Connection of their spatial-temporal features with seismic events was defined. The conclusion about the informativity of geomagnetic monitoring in the Transcarpathian active seismic zone for definition of local earthquakes precursors (with M>3 magnitude in existing network) in the geologicalgeophysics conditions of the Transcarpathians trough was done.

Dynamic Monitoring Of The Historic Centre Buildings For A Solar Elements Arrangement

The possibilities of integrating the solar power elements into formed environment of historic cities are considered in the article. Using the example of a historic city area of Chernivtsi it has been realized a multi-level dynamic monitoring of the buildings and presented the results of preliminary calculations of an energy efficiency of a roof photoelectric elements installation.

Моніторинг забруднення стічних вод молокопереробних підприємств

The pollution of wastewater of dairies products was monitored. The composition of the wastewater and its impact on the environment took place. The technological scheme of sewage treatment dairies was proposed. 
Проведено  моніторинг  забруднення  стічних  вод  продуктами  молокопереробних підприємств.  Встановлено  склад  відходів  та  їх  вплив  на  навколишнє  середовище. Запропоновано  технологічну  схему  очищення  стічних  вод  молокопереробних підприємств.