

The  theme  of  the  project  proposal  relates  to  scientific  research  in  the  field  of  health  care  and  medical technologies on  the basis of  the  further development  and  implementation of hardware software,  smart  sensors,  the  technique of processing, normalizing and applying of information signals for the creation of means for adjusting the physiological state of the human body by the electro stimulation, agreed in real-time mode with cardiac rhythm.

Implementation of electronic learning in Dragomanov NPU

The effectiveness of using modern software and Internet technologies during the usual learning in higher education was considered in that topic. Basic teaching issues, which arising in the focused five general stages of the learning process, were determined. Solutions for these issues were found using of ICT and software (MS PowerPoint, VBA, Virtual Dub, Microsoft Mouse Mischief, Camtasia Studio, Moodle, Apple Podcasting, Skype, ooVoo, Open meeting etc.). Assessment of its application as compared with traditional methods of learning was implemented. 


In connection with the enhanced development of cyber-physical systems, considerable attention in the world is given to various aspects of their formation and operation. So in 2014, NIST, USA has created a Cyber-Physical System (further CPS) Community Working Group to bring together a wide range of professionals at an open, public forum to help identify and shape the main characteristics of the CPS to guide the design and implementation of “intelligent” programs in various areas, including smart production, transportation, energy and healthcare.

Моделювання досвіду користувача програмного забезпечення САПР накопиченням діалогової інформаційної діяльності

Approaches to the collection and accumulation of information parameters from user interface software CAD Software (on MEMS example) presented to further systematize and project evaluation to improve the quality of software user interfaces.

Formation and classification of quality indices for qualimetric evaluation of production of vegetable growing

Vegetables has a number of specific properties that aremanifested in consumption, storage and processing of vegetables. The study is the formation and systematization of quality vegetable products to develop common principles for the evaluation and determination of complex quality indicator taking into account the needs of different profiles of consumers.

Multilevel calibration of cyber-physical systems

This article presents the features of functioning the cyber-physical systems and their components. The cyber-physical systems are complex systems which components may be located at great distance from one another. The cyber-physical systems perform processing of information and functions of monitoring and control equipment. Cyber-physical systems infrastructure mainly consists of subsystems, which electronic components are implemented through the embedded system control and get information about the environment through sensors and measuring device and can influence it through actuators.

Особливості побудови програмного забезпечення системи моніторингу навколишнього середовища

Developed algorithms and software modules analyzing system involving two modes of operation (training or monitoring), two types of monitoring (search for a given substance or recognition known), the use of which depends on the intensity and destabilizing factors control the duration requirements.

The software for on-line telemetric system of microseismic data collection and processing

In the article the results of testing of software of telemetric microseismic system for determination of increase of seismic intensity in on-line mode are presented. Those programs works with the stations of production of Inst. of Geoph. of NAS of Ukraine. As a sensors the modified VEGIK and SM-3 seismographs was used. Information is transmitted on TCP/IP protocol through Wifi devices.

Software Failure Intensity Modelling and Identification the Margins of the Complexity Index

The behaviour of failure intensity function for software reliability model with complexity index depending on the model parameters has been simulated. It allows identifying the margins of the complexity index and explaining the defect revealing function behaviour depending on software complexity.