
Estimation of the Earth crust strain rate tensor from GPS observations data in the Eastern Europe

Estimated from GPS observations velocities of GPS-stations were used to obtain 2D-model velocities and strain rate field in the Eastern Europe. The study of the velocities field in the region was done in a few steps. The first one consists of the development of the finite element approach on the geosphere based on bicubic spline functions and least squares collocation method for the interpolation scattered GPS-data to the regular nodes. The second one represents the inversion of velocities from GPS-observations to the strain rate tensor.

Standard scientific geodesic network: stages of creating and prospects of using

Made the analysis of the establishment and operation of scientific geodetic reference range, which consists of two measurement items: 1) the standard of fundamental geodetic network for metrological certification receivers of GPS, and 2) a geodetic test traverse for metrological certification and verification range devices. The possibilities of its development and application was described.

Problematic issues in the use of modern satellite technologies for coordinate determination

Aspects of use of modern satellite technologies are considered at carrying out of land works after co-ordination of points of district. The especial attention is directed on questions of technology of performance of GPS-observations and their processings, use of reference systems of coordinates and the additional information.

On the correlation of geodetic and heoseysmical processes

The correlation between the values of geodetic coordinates obtained using GPS-observations and data that describe the local state of the earth's surface and near-Earth space was researched. We calculate autocorrelation and cross-correlation integrals of integrals of functions for a given period of time to identify the possible connection between the oscillating components of the geodetic coordinates and parameters that describe geo-seismic and solar activity

Evaluation of the accuracy of determination of vector components based on duration of GPS-observations and lack of visibility of the sky

A method of calculating the coefficient of  horizon openness which characterizes the limit of visibility interference in observation points with regard to duration of satellite visibility in a particular sector of the celestial sphere during the day is proposed. The functional dependence for estimating the accuracy of GPS-observations is presented.