
Usage of the Earth remote sensing data for the assessment of surface water area dynamics on the basis of Iziaslav district of Khmelnytsky region, Ukraine

It’s been established that the problem of disappearing of open water body and the use of Earth remote sensing data for their monitoring is relevant and poorly covered in current Ukrainian and foreign scientific studies. The necessity of complex solution method has been also determined. The purpose of this paper is to study the dynamics of surface water area over a 45-year period (over a long period of time) across  the Iziaslav district of Khmelnytsky on the  basis  of  programming analysis of satellite imagery and the results from field surveys at key research sites.

The map of vertical Holocene movements of Volyno-Podillya and Pre-Carpathians

The mapping approach based on revealed property of the geodynamical memory of actual soil cover (Holocene) is realized. Structure and facies of the soil cover are considered as a new information donor about the relief dynamics. The raw of tectogenic evolution of the soil-forming processes and the soil types in the range from subsidences to stable regime and elevations with different intensity is determined. For the Western Volyno-Podillya and Pre-Carpathian foredeep the calibration raw “soil type – total amplitude of vertical movements” is justified.

Mapping of horizontal crustal movements in Europe based on data of EPN service

Contemporary geodynamic investigations on a global and regional scale are being realized by network of permanent GNSS stations distributed all over the Earth. The Continental EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) is a European network of 200 permanent stations and the main assignment of EPN is the maintenance of ETRF89. One from many available products as part of project “EPN Coordinate Time Series Analysis Special Project” are components of the velocity vectors of EPN stations.