solar activity

Impact of information on solar flares and earthquakes on the prediction of the annual dynamics of the infrasound wave envelope

The research results on the effectiveness of using data on solar flares and earthquakes to predict the infrasound wave envelope are presented.  The resulting SARIMAX model, enhanced with the aforementioned external factors, exhibits a 30% reduction in mean squared error and a 29% increase in the coefficient of determination compared to the previously presented ARIMA model.  Additionally, a significant achievement of the new approach, compared to previous ones, is the successful reproduction of the sharp intensity drop in the envelope during the August–September–October

Database development for intellectual system for research of space weather parameters

An analysis of the helio- and geo-activity subject area has been carried out, which become a ground for the main essences of space weather indices, their attributes and connections between them were determined. An ER-diagram was constructed and a logical scheme of the database of the intelligent system for the research of space weather parameters was developed. The scientific novelty of the obtained results relies on the development of a database model of an intelligent system for the research of space weather parameters.

Architecture of Intellectual System for Research of Space Weather Parameters

Has been carried out analysis of the subject area and main functions of the intellectual system for research of space weather parameters are identified. The model of static structure of intellectual system is developed as well as its dynamic aspects are modeled. Also is constructed an architecture of intellectual system for research of space weather parameters on the basis of “client-server” two-level model. The scientific novelty of the obtained results stands on developed model of the intellectual system for research of space weather parameters.

The influences of seismic processes, the Sun and the Moon on the small changes of coordinates of GNSS-stations

Aim. In order to improve the definition of GNSS-stations coordinate changes, it is important to find out how the processes that occur in the near-Earth space influence the significance of these changes. To describe such processes we can use the seismic activity index, the infrasound rate, and the number of daily flashes in the Sun. In this regard the purpose of this work is to study the influence of the above processes on small changes in the coordinates of GNSS-stations. Method.

Dynamics of solar activity and variations of geomagnetic field and It’s ecological distarbence

In the paper the dynamic of solar activity and connected to it the geomagnetic field variations and its ecological disturbance on Ukrainis territory is analyzed. It is shown that solar activity concerning to the cycles with 100–200 years periods is in the state of transition to decreasing. Interconnection of the quasibiennial variations of solar and geomagnetic activities is studied. It is shown that ecological disturbance of geomagnetic field on Ukrainis the Ukrainis territory do not exceed of the quota.

On the correlation of geodetic and heoseysmical processes

The correlation between the values of geodetic coordinates obtained using GPS-observations and data that describe the local state of the earth's surface and near-Earth space was researched. We calculate autocorrelation and cross-correlation integrals of integrals of functions for a given period of time to identify the possible connection between the oscillating components of the geodetic coordinates and parameters that describe geo-seismic and solar activity