
Математичне моделювання впливу зовнішнього середовища на напружено-деформівний стан деревини у процесі сушіння

In this article patterns of development of tension-deformed state of canillary–porous materials with variable heat-mechanic characteristics in the process of drying, depending on the characteristics of the environment, were resulted. The influence of the parameters of drying agent on the dynamics of stress in the wood was investigated on the basis of numerical experiment.

Semi-active vibration absorbers for the high-rise objects

To determine the optimal parameters of the dynamic vibration absorber (DVA), a complete multi-parameter model of the dynamics of machines and structures is required. A model with two degrees of freedom is unacceptable for a sufficiently precise calculation with sufficient accuracy of the oscillations of the design, and thus for an adequate description of its dynamic characteristics. Therefore, in practice, it is necessary to investigate the design using a complex model.


A significant increase of the intensity of road and urban transport requires new approaches to its improvement, especially in areas with dense existing buildings. The solution of this problem may be improving by building new bridges, road junctions and estokads The article is devoted to studies of deformation and crack resistance, proposed by the authors, constructive solution with double-beams continuous span bridge for complex construction conditions.

Development of Model, Based on Petri Nets, for the Planning Stage of Robotic Systems Design System

This article is devoted to development of model, based on Petri nets, which corresponds planning stage of RTS automatic design. The model was developed according to the algorithm of the planning stage, which is the basic one in five-level representation of the robotization project estimation process, and enables to explore the dynamics of the process and the reliability of the corresponding component of the RTS design system, also providing the possibility of additional RTS correction in a broader functional and constructive spectrum.

National and International in Architectural Heritage of Frederick Kiesler

The article is devoted to the problem of national determination in architecture and design work of one of the most famous architect of the world – Frederick Kiesler. Author make analysis of different his building and theoretical ideas and of influence for them of traditional elements of Bukovyna culture. Because Bukovyna is that place, were Kiesler was born and spent his childhood.

Architecture of rehabilitation facilities for people with visual impairments

There is a need to create common and consistent rules that would allow understanding disability as a phenomenon of the system. There are many different definitions of disability. The effects it entails visual dysfunction depends on several factors. The paper presents examples of rehabilitation and educational institutions for the visually impaired in Poland and abroad.

Impact and particle buffered vibration absorbers optimization and design

Passive, broadband targeted energy transfer refers to the one-way directed transfer of energy from a primary subsystem to a nonlinear attachment; this phenomenon is realized in damped, coupled, essentially nonlinear impact or particle dynamic vibration absorber (DVA). An impact damper is a passive control device which takes the form of a freely moving mass, constrained by stops attached to the structure under control, i.e. the primary structure. The damping results from the exchange of momentum during impacts between the mass and the stops as the structure vibrates.

Automation of technological processes of assembly modules

The methods of the development of technological modular processes to assemble the article parts of various types are described in this article. Features consist in the creation of an open general database to determine groups of objects that will be assembled by a modular technological process. Depending on the task, design can have technological, organizational, construction or economic related areas.

The head, the heart and the hand: architecture and its place in the Academy

Architecture is a mainstream subject in the academy. While the development of spatial imagination and aesthetic judgment are among its core components, a wide range of knowledge, skills and sensitivities are delivered as part of the design curriculum. This paper discusses the potential benefits, but also the risks, associated with the growing emphasis on academically-focused research in schools of architecture.