information technology

Grounds for Searching the Best Solution for Controlling the Pressurized Water Reactor in Dynamic Modes when Changing the Controlled Parameters

The article focused on the development of information technology for the optimization of control over complex dynamic systems at the stage of their design that should realize possibilities of modeling of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems, the analysis and synthesis of such systems, their optimization on various quality criteria. The purpose of this article is to develop the structure and elements of information technology to optimize the control of complex dynamic systems, including automated control systems.

Information Technology Support of Education of Students With Autism: Aspects of Virtual Assistant Modeling

People with autism find that interacting with a computer or tablet is less stressful and more attractive than interacting with people. The analysis of information technologies developed both abroad and in Ukraine reveals the lack of systematic support for the education processes of people with autism. In this context, the development of personalized information technology support for the learning processes of such students is an urgent scientific and practical task.

Designing and Implementation of the Information System for Providing Recommendations to People With Mental Disorders

The authors of the article have developed methodological grounds, designed and implemented an information system to provide recommendations to people with mental disorders. The analysis of the main ways of using information technology in mental health treatment has resulted in the finding that mobile devices with certain software can significantly reduce the number of visits to qualified specialists, which make mental health therapy much more accessible to people with limited time or material resources.

Perspective components of cyber-physical systems implementing conversion, coding data exchange, and user communication processes

The methodology of structural organization and microprocessor schematics of perspective components of cyber- physical systems has been described in the article. Such components, according to the concept of a multilayer platform proposed by prof. A. Melnyk, implement processes and integrated technologies of measuring information transformation and generalization of the structure of effective coding, digital processing, data exchange, user communication and decision making.

Technology relationship billing system bank’s customers-partners

The realities of today indicate that the banking market is characterized by fierce competition due to globalization of the economy, the rapid development of information technologies, and improvement of business processes. This is reflected in the problems of increase of management efficiency tad asana high results of activity of banks, ensure their competitiveness.

Використання інтерактивних дощок для підвищення ефективності організації навчального процесу

Uses of modern information technology in higher education were reviewed. Analyzed types and manufacturing techniques of interactive boards, elucidated their advantages and disadvantages. Highlighted the best of them for implementation into learning process.

Сloud services and their selection algorithm

This article describes the architecture of cloud services and key technologies for algorithm selection services. Cloud computing is relevant to various types of software and distributed computing based on Internet access, which means that users can get an access to applications and storage from remote servers using web browsers or other stationary or mobile terminals. Resources of stationary and mobile terminals are limited, which is why cloud computing is the right tool that will provide different kinds of terminals with powerful resources to achieve complex services.

Дослідження вимірювальних перетворювачів за допомогою операторного методу

A new approach for finding analytical expression conversion function transmitter physical value by analyzing its output using developed special installation through which by special regulations define the basic parameters of the reference conversion function corresponding to the investigated curve.

Іnformation society as the main priority of promising development of the state

In the scientific article the prerequisites for development of information society in Ukraine and revealed its importance for development. Analyzed the concept of “information society” concept disclosed its application. The level of development of information society in Ukraine, disadvantages and problems on overcoming them according to the Strategy of information society development in Ukraine. Analyzed international rating indicators of information society development in Ukraine.