information technology

Інформаційна технологія ідентифікації проблемних ситуацій та їх станів у складних технічних системах

The article contains information technology for identification of problematic situations and their states in complex technical systems, which is based on a method that is based on the information model identification process and modified clustering algorithms such situations FOREL and K-MEANS.

Моделі оптимальних інформаційних систем на двовимірних комбінаторних конфігураціях

This paper belongs to the field of systems engineering and is aimed at improving the qualitative indices of vector data information technologies (e.g. 2D vector data coding design) with respect to reliability, precision and other significant operating characteristics of the systems based on the combinatorial configurations theory, namely the Ideal Ring Bundles (IRB)s.

Motivational aspects of creating innovative start-ups on the platform of higher educational institutions

The article proves that in Ukraine the conditions are created for the formation of start-ups on the platform of universities. It is proved that all participants of start-ups – companies, firms, universities, teachers, students etc. – have a clear motivation. The recommendations are made on the basis of research for legislative consolidation of some elements motivating the innovation process. The methods are obtained for creating and managing start-ups on the platform of Universities at the present stage of Ukrainian economy development. 

Key role of information technology in providing business process reingeneering

The article shows the relevance of business processes reengineering as modern method of domestic industrial management of enterprises which are operating in specific conditions of economic instability. The concept of business processes reengineering evolution is researched and schematically represented. This evolution reflects the semantic content of management tool and shows the change of key factors at each stage of its theory. The key role of information technology in reengineering theory evolution is described at the present stage of economic development.

Geospatial analysis of greenhouse gas absorption and emission by forests in Polish Carpathians

This study is showing the results of modeling of components of phytomass in forests of Podkarpackie, Malopolska and Silesia voivodeships and the deposited carbon in it. An analysis of the geo distributed deposited carbon in forests of Poland was conducted and multi digital map was compiled. Purpose of the study was to develop tools for geo distributed analysis and assessment of deposited carbon based on the statistical data on stocks of vegetation, species composition, distribution by age and classes using other forest inventory indicators that were the official sources.

Submission multidimensional data to manage IT projects

Tthe article presents the theoretical principles and proposes methodological and practical recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the information system. The analysis of the basic principles and techniques of project management and information processes is presented and methodology of corporate information systems project management is grounded.

Intelligent system for sightseeing tours content analysis

An intelligent system for sightseeing tour was developed. Using the results of sightseeing tours analysis the knowledge base was created for advisory program tool for tour route selection and real-time tracking. An analysis of recent researches in data mining of tourist spatial movement was made. Program tools for data collection, processing and analysis of movement and tourist expenditures during the sightseeing tour were developed.

Information technology in tourism. analysis of applications and research results

The article has the form of an analytical review of new information technologies in tourism. The author presents the most important characteristics of the research made by leading specialists in e-tourism industry. The analysis of the impact of research works is made and a number of urgent problems in IT-oriented tourism sector are found.