
Methodology law as an organized form of world of thinking and investigator

The article deals with the methodological  situation in modern jurisprudence. It is stressed that its main feature is the conversion  from the  monistic totality of the researching methods of the philosophical-methodological  pluralism. Established that the philosophical basis of research is pluralistic methodology that combines equal content and origin essence methods.

Problem of legal knowledge and understanding in philosophy ХХ century

The article analyzes the scientific work of domestic and foreign scholars on the problems of legal knowledge and understanding of the philosophy of the XX century. The main theoretical and methodological approaches that have emerged as part of modern philosophy to study the problems of legal knowledge and understanding. Defined thematic orientation work, their characteristics and features, singled out the overall trends research. Exposed the most topical at the present stage of science methods of studying the abovementioned issues.

Problem of legal knowledge and understanding in philosophy ХХ century

The article analyzes the scientific work of domestic and foreign scholars on the problems of legal knowledge and understanding of the philosophy of the XX century. The main theoretical and methodological approaches that have emerged as part of modern philosophy to study the problems of legal knowledge and understanding. Defined thematic orientation work, their characteristics and features, singled out the overall trends research. Exposed the most topical at the present stage of science methods of studying the abovementioned issues.

Concept of law: philosophical outlook

The article is an attempt to research the logical analysis of the concept of law as the basis for a system of philosophical ideas about it. Following the analysis of a significant number of scientific papers concluded that the content of the law in some way dependent on the philosophical foundations of law. The problem of philosophical foundations of philosophy of law, methodological principles defined philosophical school of the designated topics.

Interpretation of values: praxeological aspect

The proposed article includes analysis of changes in interpretations of the nature of property rights in the process of scientific study. Category analyzed the social value of law aspects and determining influence on society. We study the types of the law society, the effects are determined by legal impact and their effectiveness. In particular, clarified the issuepraxeological aspect rights values in the life of society and established a set of factors required for the establishment of values in modern society.

H. V. Leibnic – anoutstandind thinker of western-european science and cu hure (devoted to 300-years since death)

The article deals with some scientific, philosophical, socially-legal, religious concepts of brilliant German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz made a huge contribution to the organization and creation of scientific institutions in English, Italy, Germany, Russia and France. Due to his scientific and theoretical creativity he was ahead of his time, formulated the ideas that formed the basis of many modern sciences.

Theoretical and methodological analysis of the nationally patriotic education of students

The article is devoted to the analysis of nationally patriotic education of students. Particularly this issue is concerned to be burning among other problems that are brought before universities and it is related to the problem of specialists training that in 21 century will take upon themselves the formation of a state, its socially-political and economic development, public order and armed forces.

Terrorism in the form of struggle for national sovereignty before problem statement

This paper investigates the philosophical meaning of terrorism in the context of the struggle for national sovereignty. The question concerning the relationship of national sovereignty and terrorism. Correlation and differences between some acts of terrorism and the struggle for national sovereignty and guerrilla wars. Installed incorrect interpretation of terrorism as one of the logical sequels and consequences of the national liberation struggle.