prime minister

Features, logic and parametrs of operationalization of president-parliamentary semi-presidentialism in European countries

In contemporary Political Science, semi-presidential  system of government is usually  understood as a structure of inter-institutional relations which simultaneously provides a popularly elected for a fixed term president and a prime minister/cabinet collectively responsible to a parlament. Nevertheless, different attributes and indicators of semi- presidentialism allow arguing that the analyzed system of government is very diverse and heterogeneous.

The practical problems of functioning the institute of contrasignature acts of the head of the state in Ukraine

The article analyzes the constitutional-legal institute of contrasignature acts of the head of the state. Attention is paid to the practical problems of functioning the institute of contrasignature in our country. It has been proposed a number of constitutional and legislative changes in oder to improve the process of contrasignature acts of the head of the state – the president of Ukraine

The peculiarities of constitutional regulation of the status of the head of government in mixed European republics

The article analyzes the constitutional-legal status of the heads of governments of European countries mixed republican form of government. Attention is paid to the order of appointment, functions and powers of the heads of governments of European mixed republics. It has been illustrated the scientists’ opinions of the functioning the head of government in certain countries.