economic activity

Peculiarities of financial intermediation in Ukraine

The emergence of financial intermediation in history was the result of the evolution of the process of distribution of functions in the field of financial services. Over time, this process became an important and independent branch of the economy. Modern financial intermediaries, forming the structure of the financial market, play a key role in ensuring effective interaction between those who have temporarily free funds and those who need them.

Priority influence of socio-cultural factors on development of public governance

Problem setting. Public administration in Ukraine is an integral part of social system, but it needs to be modernized efficiently. This implies the need for a deep understanding of the current situation and a thorough analysis of the main factors of this development, especially socio-cultural ones.

Features of exposure of signs of counteraction of legal economic activity: the applied aspect

The methods of feasance counteraction legal economic activity are investigated in the
article. Information generators are certain about the facts of preparation or feasance of
counteraction of legal economic activity. An author is classify persons that prepare and
accomplish counteraction of legal economic activity. The algorithm of actions is worked out at
receiving message about the requirements of stopping of legal economic activity, limitations
legal economic, about the obligatory conclusion of treaty, and also requirements

Personality economic criminal

In the article the psychological and social economic substructure individual offender. It was found that the most common personality traits of economic criminal shown at the psychological substructure. Attention is focused on moral deformity individual criminal economic, manifested in careerism, authoritarian management style, and selfish consumer's attitude to his post.

Operative search exposure of counteraction of legal economic activity

A question is considered in relation to the exposure of counteraction of legal economic activity that today presents a substantial problem because the methods of committing crime in this sphere acquire all greater refinement, it is disguised and professionalness, criminal displays become the destabilizing factor of public life, negatively influence on a home economy 130 and financial state of the state. Certainly directions of receipt of information about realization of counteraction of legal economic activity.