deviant behavior

Determinants of Juvenile Deviant Behavior

Abstract. Deviant behavior of minors manifests in various forms and with different degrees of intensity, influenced by external social environments and the individual characteristics of the minor's personality, which shape their reactions to various life challenges.

Behavior that deviates from generally accepted expectations can be either constructive or destructive, and deviant behavior, accordingly, can be positive or negative. The evaluation of such behavior is based on the social consequences of the deviation.

Peculiarities of the emergence and development of deviant behavior of juvenile convicts without isolation from society

Juveniles who have committed criminal offenses are a subject of close observation for criminologists, human rights activists and society as a whole. One particular aspect is the judicial practice whereby minors can be sentenced to certain types of punishment without isolation from society, such as suspended sentences, fines, community service, and correctional labor. This practice has its pros and cons that need to be considered from a criminological perspective.

Family in the system of risks of legal socialization

The tasks of the theory of legal socialization include the study of the holistic process of personality formation. The solution of this problem is complicated by the need to understand the problems and risks of legal socialization and the need to further development of sound recommendations for their prevention and overcoming. The concept of risk is multifaceted. The problem of risks is now widely discussed in scientific circles in assessing international, economic, social, legal, financial and other areas of government activity.

Concept "behavior" and "activities" as the basis filosofemy deviant behavior

On the basis of a large source base comprehensively analyzed the definition of
«behavior» and «activity», traced the development of concepts in the jurisprudential aspect,
found their main features and characteristics. It is proved that the concept of "behavior" and
«activity» are the basis filosofemy deviant behavior.

Mechanism of determination of the kind of the deviant behavior

The article presents a scientific and theoretical review of domestic and foreign studies devoted to the problem of aggression and behavioral deviations in the children's environment. The psychological features of destructive behavior and its characteristics from the standpoint of psychology, sociology and criminal-law sciences are considered. The mechanisms of formation of illegal actions are revealed, and the influence of deviations on the formation of personality is analyzed.

Problem deviations in the legal system socio-cultural changes

On the basis of a thorough analysis of scientific papers highlighted the problem of deviations in the legal system of social and cultural change. It was found that the phenomenon of deviance ambivalent nature and can mean both negative and positive social change. In the scientific literature rejection divided into primary and secondary. Those terms that society is negligible, considered primary, and subjects who commits them, do not qualify as devianta because they do not violate social norms.

Philosophical concept of deviance (end of ХІХ – mid ХХ century)

The article outlines the main areas of research deviance as a social phenomenon in philosophical and legal context. Tracked the evolution of human behavior in the philosophical and legal discourse. Investigated that deviant behavior from the time of the emergence of a society always represented a danger to social stability, endanger the lives of people, societies, was considered undesirable, and a society trying to prevent and, if possible, block unwanted forms of human life.

Problem deviant personality: history and philosophy social and legal analysis

Article to parse problem of deviant personality in historical-philosophical, social and legal context. Proved that the problem of correcting deviant personality which finds particular criminal behavior are inextricably linked to historical-philosophical, social and philosophical analysis of human nature, personality, causes of deviant behavior, as well as the content and form of correction. Historical and philosophical analysis generally showed that European philosophical experience includes various interpretation of these phenomena and processes.