
Conceptualisation of notions “model” and “modelling” in scientific studies

Some particular aspects of modeling method in scientific research have been outlined in the article. Philosophic maxims on which the model concept is based were suggested. The generalized model definition, its characteristics and typology were represented in the article

Kant's ideas and their influence on the formation of natural and scientific hypothesis of the space

The author considers evolution and transformation definition of space in Kant’s philosophy. Kant’s conception of space had a big and important influence on natural scientific knowledge. I emphasize that Kant’s conception of space has been changed. In the beginning of his scientific career, Kant was considered space as absolutely and objective. It is almost the same as Isaac Newton’s conception of space. German philosopher does think about absoluteness of space as independent from human perception. The article explains that objective space has itself parameters — move and orderliness.

Concept of law: philosophical outlook

The article is an attempt to research the logical analysis of the concept of law as the basis for a system of philosophical ideas about it. Following the analysis of a significant number of scientific papers concluded that the content of the law in some way dependent on the philosophical foundations of law. The problem of philosophical foundations of philosophy of law, methodological principles defined philosophical school of the designated topics.

Інформаційна технологія та програмна система оцінювання опінії висловлювань

ticle is devoted to the information technology and software for opinion mining and sentiment analysis of messages. The information technology based on using linguistic variables and applying the weighting coefficients for sentiment analysis concerning a certain object is proposed in the article. Implemented software allows tracking quantitative charecteristics of opinion on objects and comparing their integral indicators in visual interface.