

Method for reconstructing 3D models from images: a case study using the Shahed 136 drone. A study of the dimensional and proportional characteristics of the model is carried out. The main stages of model construction are considered. A block diagram of the image perspective transformation program is presented. The activity diagram given in the paper visualizes the steps required to perform an image transformation, including point selection, calculation, and generation of the final image.

Застосування лінгвістичних змінних та вагових коефіцієнтів під час формування інтегральної оцінки об’єкта у задачах OPINION MINING

Описанл процедуру формування інтегрального показника об’єкта згідно з відгуками користувачів під час застосування методів оцінювання опінії текстової інформації у web-документах.
Запропоновано використання лінгвістичних змінних та застосування вагових коефіцієнтів для достовірнішого результату оцінювання емоційного забарвлення текстової інформації.


The problems and solutions in the logistics of warehouse operations of the transport company are highlighted. The software for the implementation of the simulation model is defined. Simulation modeling of the functioning of the transport company's composition was carried out. The main stages in the implementation of the simulation model are considered. Created a context diagram for the simulation model and refined it using context diagram decomposition. The stages of creating a simulation model in FlexSim are considered.

Principles and the mechanism of state regulation of the economy

The major issues concerning principles and the mechanism of state regulation of the economy as a part of the mechanism of state regulation are considered. The contents of the mechanism of state regulation of the economy on the basis of studying the mechanism of public administration, the etymology of the word “mechanism” with the nature of the state regulation of the economy are revealed. The component structure of the mechanism of state regulation of the economy is defined and its components are revealed and characterized.

Forming the complex mechanism for state administration in the field of social formation and development of young people

The essence of the concept of “complex mechanism for state administration” is found. The model of interaction between state, society and youth is presented. The matrix of complex mechanism in the field of social formation and development of young people is developed.

Peculiarities of the human rights protection mechanism in criminal proceedings

Adequate legal protection in the criminal process plays a leading role, as it is an
extremely important and obligatory element of state and public development, and serves as the
basis for the formation of a democratic rule of law and civil society. Building a rule of law is
impossible without respecting the guarantees of human rights protection, without providing a
clear mechanism for the functioning of such a specific democratic institution, such as the bar.
The value of legal institutions that are called upon to protect human rights is growing

Legal activity in the economy

The professionalism of the lawyer most complete and versatile manifested in the
activities, behavior and communication. According to scientific sources, activities – a person
active interaction with the environment, during which a person acts as an action focused on an
object and thus satisfy their needs. Activity – specific form of relationship to the world and
himself, as manifested in purposeful change and transformation of the world and human

Description of court-book-keeping examination

In the article a concept and maintenance of court-book-keeping are certain examination
in the field of economic activity. The scientific concepts ofcourt-book-keeping examination are
investigational. An object and objects of research court-book-keeping examination are certain.
Basic tasks are outlined and a list over of questionsis brought that belong to the expertaccountant
for their decision. Methods and methods of realization of court-book-keeping
examination are described.

Description of commodity judicial-expert examination of commodities of folk consumption

In the article a concept and maintenance are certain commodity judicial-expert examination of commodities of folk consumption and services. Scientific looks are described to the concept of commodity judicial-expert examination of commodities of folk consumption and services. The basic objects of commodity judicial-expert examination are certain. The basic tasks of commodity judicial-expert examination of commodities of folk consumption and services are outlined.

Responsibility for environmental, including st.246 – illegal cutting of forests

Destruction of forests in Ukraine is one of the current challenges that concern not only environmental, but also ordinary citizens. Uncontrolled deforestation, especially in winter, reaches a critical level. Every day, thousands of illegally felled trees. Experts note that the most objective of reducing the area of the Ukrainian forests and felling oldest arrays show pictures from space.