
Features of the Application of Traffic Flow Management Methods and Tools

This article examines the causes and consequences of traffic jams, describes typical traffic flow behavior and analyzes traffic control methods and means. The paper demonstrates the proposed classification of traffic lights by type of regulation. In summary, the article represents a detailed overview of existing cyber-physical traffic control systems, such as SEA TCS, InSync and MASSTR.

Multi-agent modeling of traffic organization in urban agglomerations

The authors consider the features of multi-agent modeling for traffic optimization in the central areas of cities. While evaluating the unique challenges associated with the high concentration of vehicles, pedestrians and historical buildings, the potential of multi-agent systems to effectively solve the problem of congestion, safety and quality of life in urban areas is investigated. The potential of multi-agent modeling in the context of traffic management in the central areas of the city allows us to identify the key challenges and opportunities.

Концептуальна модель імітаційного алгоритму моделювання роботи мережі з технологією MPLS

Описано концептуальну модель розробленого імітаційного алгоритму, призначеного для моделювання роботи мереж з технологією MPLS, програмна реалізація якого дає змогу досліджувати завантаженість мережевих елементів, аналізувати та оптимізувати характеристики мереж, а також досліджувати поведінку трафіка різних класів.

The Network Load Balancer in Decentrilized Systems

This article explores the implementation of network load balancing in decentralized systems using OpenWrt, Quality of Service (QoS), and traffic balancing techniques. The increasing demand for high-quality net- work services and the surge in network traffic requires the adoption of more efficient load-balancing methods to main- tain network performance. This paper discusses the use of OpenWrt, an open-source firmware for network routers, to configure and manage network traffic.

The contents of administrative responsibility for offenses in the sphere of ensuring road safety

The article raised the theoretical aspects of administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of road safety. Analyzes the elements of an administrative offense – object and subject of the offense, the objective and the subjective aspect in the field of road safety and road services in the context of existing legislation. Analyzed scientific views on the issue of administrative responsibility for offenses in the area of road safety from the perspective of the theory of administrative and criminal law.

Models and algorithms of data flows switching efficiency improving in all-optical telecommunications systems

Modern optical networks still in development to AON (All-Optical Networks). The main goal of all related works is providing the state-of-the-art optical switching techniques, designing of new solutions and applications.  The first stage in this development was circuit-switched optical networks. In those types of networks the incoming request would dropped in case of channel blocking.  Another case – packed-switched optical networks. In those networks, the data flows divided onto many independent packets. Nowadays, this technique is the most famous.

Model of dynamic management system throughput of the channel integrated wi-fi/gsm network

In this paper the possibility of increasing quality of service for mobile operator based on using of Unlicensed Mobile Access-Advanced (UMA-A) technology has been substantiated. It has been proposed a new way of increasing the efficiency of resources allocation of convergent network. The use of UMA-A allows releasing part of the radio channel resources in the places where overloads are observed.

Solution of traffic problems in the central area of Lviv

Deficiencies in the traffic infrastructure in central Lviv lead to congestion and obstruction of pedestrian movement as well as pollution, but the main reasons of these problems are not physical. They lie in the absence of efficient administrative and legislative measures for the management of stationary traffic.

Computer network traffic analysis based on experimental data of wireshark

This article analyzes the changes in traffic networks, obtained via Wireshark network protocol analyzer. Observations have been conducted by the following parameters: the total number of packets, the average number of packets, average packet size and average bit rate packages. The received data is used to test theoretical models.