business model

Business Model Designing in the Conditions of Rapid Development of International E-commerce

The article formulates the essence of the concept of "business model", substantiates its necessity, describes the common features of the business modeling with business planning. The main reasons for the rapid development of international electronic commerce are analyzed. A comparison of classic and digital business models is given. According to the results of the study, key trends in the growth of e-commerce in Ukraine were revealed. The main advantages and strategic priorities of developing a business model in the conditions of international e-commerce are determined.

Circular economy: Features and prospects of implementation in Ukraine in conditions of war

The circular economy is a prerequisite for the new industrial revolution, because it contributes to achieving maximum economic efficiency in industry and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Its implementation involves a set of measures aimed at the sustainable development of enterprises, the country and society. Introducing the concept of circular economy is an important and necessary step for the development of our country, its integration into the European Union and post-war recovery.

Circular Economy: Features and Prospects of Implementation in Ukraine in the Conditions of War

The circular economy is a prerequisite for the new industrial revolution, because it contributes to achieving maximum economic efficiency in industry and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Its implementation involves a set of measures aimed at the sustainable development of enterprises, the country and society. Introducing the concept of circular economy is an important and necessary step for the development of our country, its integration into the European Union and post-war recovery.

Transformation of the Enterprise Business Model in Crisis Conditions

The article studies risks and problems which businesses face in the pandemic and war conditions. The need to transform business processes based on their organizing and structuring has been substantiated. It is recommended to concentrate on those processes that make up the chain of created value: customer interaction business processes; business processes that have a great impact on the business income; business processes providing valuable processes to the enterprise; and cross-functional business processes that require coordination.

Disrupt framework as basis for building the business model of the enterprise with disruptive innovations in the conditions of sustainable development

The results of research in the field of designing a business model of an enterprise in conditions of sustainable development through the introduction of innovations are presented. The role of disruptive innovations in business process reengineering is highlighted. The concept of 4P innovations is presented, the classification of innovations according to the level of technological novelty and impact on the market is carried out. The main types of circular business models are described (cyclical, extending, intensifying, dematerialising).

Features of Implementation and Development of Circular Economy in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the study of circular economy, its concept; the main circular business- models, their essence and advantages in the practical application based on the analysis of researches of their introduction and use in the world and domestic companies are analyzed; features of the development of circular economy in Ukraine in disclosure of researches of sources of financing of innovative activity and a share of innovative enterprises in general scale are revealed; the expediency of introduction of energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies at the enterprises within the li

Implementation of Circular Economy on the Basis of European Experience

Accelerated population growth, depletion of natural resources, excessive pollution of the environment, which threatens the existence of mankind, was a prerequisite for the emergence of the concept of circular economy and the principles of sustainable development, ie doing business without harm to the environment. The model of circular (circular) economy is aimed at energy saving, regenerative environmentally friendly consumption and production.

Circular economy as a part of the organizational corporate strategy

In today’s environment, organizations need new corporate strategies and models to protect profitability and competitiveness, as well as the heritage of natural resources. A circular economy is a model of production and consumption in which all resources and products are reused in the economic cycle, which can significantly reduce waste generation and create additional economic benefits for business. This is especially important in the context of the recovery from the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


In the article the relevance of using modern digital marketing tools, namely the marketplaces, is investigated. The description of the “markeplays” concept is given, its types, main features and advantages of application are highlighted.  Describes its main advantages, disadvantages and features of application for the development of e-business.

Formalized description of the business model as a basis for an effective system of targeted business management

To improve the effectiveness of the company is necessary as horizontal structuring of production activity (technology) and the structuring of functional management activities (function control). It is realized in the context of building a process model of the enterprise, which today widespread.