The results of research in the field of designing a business model of an enterprise in conditions of sustainable development through the introduction of innovations are presented. The role of disruptive innovations in business process reengineering is highlighted. The concept of 4P innovations is presented, the classification of innovations according to the level of technological novelty and impact on the market is carried out. The main types of circular business models are described (cyclical, extending, intensifying, dematerialising). The basic characteristics of the DISRUPT framework for enterprises creating products/services for the circular economy are outlined.
The European Commission aims to ensure coherence between industrial, environmental, climate and energy policies to create an optimal business environment for sustainable growth, job creation and innovation. The Commission has developed an ambitious program to transform the EU economy into a circular economy, where the value of products and materials is preserved for as long as possible, which brings great economic benefits. For businesses, working together to create a basis for sustainable products opens up new opportunities in the EU and beyond, including and for Ukraine
In fact, we are talking about business reorganization, changing the business model, taking into account values and innovations. Circular business model is an umbrella term for completely different business models that seek to use fewer materials and resources to produce products and services, and to extend the life of existing products and services through repair and restoration, recycling and reuse. Thus, innovative business models of the circular economy arise and develop, first of all, in an urbanized and environmentally responsible environment and are aimed at reducing dependence on material resources, increasing efficiency and increasing profits
Innovation is a continuous process that involves delivering innovation as a service to customers by bringing together the right people, processes and tools.
Disruptive innovations are innovations that change the relationship of values in the market environment. At the same time, the existing products become uncompetitive simply because the parameters on the basis of which the competition used to take place become less important. Such innovative technologies, which eliminate or reduce dependence on non-renewable natural resources, significantly increase the quality of life or provide a technological transition in the use of a certain product (service). The main criteria are: high potential need of humanity or a large number of users; high availability for everyone; relatively low cost. And this approach can actually change those industries that need to be rebooted and function in conditions of sustainable development.
The circular economy involves the construction of dynamic structures (often combining enterprises of different industries) and actually stimulates the process of transformations at each link of business processes. Therefore, for the implementation of the product strategy, enterprises in the context of sustainable development can use such tools as DISRUPT framework.
Obviously, the choice of a circular business model should be situational, based on research of the market environment and an adequate assessment of the company, and only then will it be possible to achieve goals and strategic advantages.
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