conceptual model


Today, there are no military air bases in Ukraine, which is a crisis of the state leadership's policy from 1992 to 2013, because the development of aviation is the basic guarantee of the country's defence capability: superiority in the air during war is decisive for the further course of hostilities, as it allows to control objects of civil and critical infrastructure, which are the basis of the functioning of the state and its army.

Концептуальная модель информационной технологии контроля и регулирования в налоговой службе

Разработана концептуальная модель информационной технологии контроля и регулирования процессов в налоговой службе. Эта модель построена на основании методологии объектного анализа и проектирования систем с использованием графической нотации UML. С этой целью было использовано CASE средство Rational Rose.

A conceptual model of information technology for the control and regulation of processes in the tax service. This model is based on the methodology of object analysis and design of systems using graphical notation UML. For this purpose we used CASE tool Rational Rose.

Архітектура інструментального комплексу для моделювання інтелектуальних систем

  1. Наведено опис архітектури інструментального комплексу для моделювання керованих моделями інтелектуальних систем. Визначено структури даних моделі, головні операції інструментальної системи, зокрема ініціалізація, перевірка релевантності та пошук моделі. Детально розглянуто архітектуру взаємодії моделей.

Intelligent Information System “Smart Lock” for the Protection of Apartments

Intelligent information system “Smart lock” for the protection of apartments is considered and described. A general description of smart homes and the relevance of their use is made. Described an issue which appear when using smart home devices. Examples of two existing similar models are provided: SmartLock and Schlage Sense Smart Lock. An analysis of their advantages and disadvantages is made to take this information into account for the device that going to be created. A brief description of up-to- date information on face recognition techniques is provided.

Підходи до побудови концептуальних моделей кіберфізичних систем

Approaches to the construction of conceptual models of cyber-physical systems are considered. A generalized scheme of interaction between the CPS and its environment is proposed. The set of basic CPS components is defined. The organization of CPS components functioning is considered. The corresponding conceptual model is proposed. The definition of the contour of interaction between CPS and physical processes is provided. The conceptual model of the contours of interaction is proposed. The problem of matching CPS interaction with the physical processes is considered.

The data warehouse construction for decision support system for designing distributed energy systems

This paper discusses the problems that arise when working with disparate data sources using database. The model of data warehouse is presented as way of integrating and processing data from disparate sources while creating a decision support system for the design of distributed energy systems.

Концептуальна модель інформаційної системи визначення якості надання освітніх послуг кафедрою

New information, innovation and telecommunication technologies contribute to the effectivness and optimization in the management of studies. Based on systematic analysis of the department of the university, offered a conceptual model of information system for determining the quality of educational services department.

Концептуальна модель інформаційної системи аналізу теплозабезпечення

This article describes the the conceptual model of process analysis heating supplies of buildings and description of the logical structure of the database.

Концептуальна модель інтелектуальної інформаційної системи малого підприємства

The article studies the need to design management systems and their application in business. Definitions, history of development, principles and functions of CRM-systems. To build a conceptual domain model class diagram UML was used, and to simulate the behavior of objects in the transition from one state to another state diagram was used. A set of production rules of intellectual component of information management system was worked out.