

The article substantiates that for a reliable assessment of the physiological state of people engaged in extreme activities, a holistic, integral assessment is necessary, which is formed on the basis of a systemic approach and taking into account various physiological parameters, namely, visual-motor reaction; tapping test; blood pressure; pulse; Stange test; Genchi test; galvanic skin response (GSR); self-assessment of condition using the well-being, activity and mood assessment test (SAM).

Assessment of the Impact of the Risks of Foreign Economic Activities

Risk is an integral part of the economic activity of any organizations that operate on the market in conditions of competition under the influence of external and internal environments. The word risk is often synonymous with loss, failure, which leads to negative consequences. However, no matter how many scientific or practical works are devoted to this issue, it will continue to be relevant, as the world becomes more changeable and threats have become an integral part of our lives. Therefore, assessing the impact of risks is an important component of management activities.

Ways to increase the efficiency of sales activities of the enterprises of the food industry of Ukraine in the conditions of international economic activity

The food industry in Ukraine is a significant contributor to the country’s economy, with a range of products that cater to both domestic and international markets. However, the increasing competition in the global market and the changing consumer preferences have made it challenging for enterprises in the 

food industry to maintain and increase their sales efficiency. This article aims to address this challenge by exploring the ways in which enterprises in the food industry of Ukraine can enhance their sales activities in the context of international economic activity.


One of the main problems of monument protection and restoration is to determine the value of the object of protection, including its stylistic purity. The method of system-structural analysis helps to investigate and substantiate the manifestations of the main features of style at different levels - urban level, object level and level of a single element, and thus argue whether a building is an example of a particular style. The application of the method of system-structural analysis is shown on the example of objects of Ukraine in the Art Nouveau style.

Decommissioning of Fixed Assets and Land Recovery: Accounting and Assessment

The existing provisions and regulations for the accounting of the written-off objects of the fixed assets and the working balances creation to cover the expenses of land restoration were investigated. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of the Ukrainian enterprises activity in the field of oil and gas industry, the problematic aspects within the accounting of the fixed assets and other non- circulating assets were investigated.

Improving the Methods for Company’s Liquidity Assessment

In this paper, authors analyze existing approaches to assessment of company’s liquidity and solvency, and identify inconsistencies and inaccuracies of these approaches, particularly in relation to the organization of assessment. They suggest an improved method for calculation of indices that form the basis of liquidity assessment.

Personnel efficiency assessment of the industrial enterprise on the principles of marketing

The article deals with the basic aspects of personnel assessment of the industrial enterprise on the principles of marketing; the role of the marketing approach in determining the value of an mployee in the labor market, and the formation of a modern and potentially viable competencies of personnel is emphasized; the importance of the social aspect ofpersonnel efficiency assessment in terms of the spread of socio humanistic trends is underlined.

Water resources of Ukraine: usage, qualitive and quantitative assesment (with detaile description of Odessa region)

The level of pollutant in river and reservoirs water in Ukraine is rather high. The assessment of the modern state of water resources in the different regions had been done. In generally it was determined that water infrastructure in Ukraine needs reconstruction. New State Program of Water Management Conception and new Law about water management up to 2020 had been approved. Nine basins committees were organized. Committees are composed of representatives of science, practical specialists and the public.

Peculiarities of auditor’s evaluation in the process of diagnosis enterprise’s financial condition

It was established that none of the recent studies or publications does not raise the question
of recognition of audit element integrated assessment of the financial condition of the company and
as a debating something that is worth discussing in local reputable scientific circles. The concept of
audit of the financial situation of the company in the current economic conditions is concretized.
The role and importance of modern auditing for a full and accurate assessment of the financial