The food industry in Ukraine is a significant contributor to the country’s economy, with a range of products that cater to both domestic and international markets. However, the increasing competition in the global market and the changing consumer preferences have made it challenging for enterprises in the
food industry to maintain and increase their sales efficiency. This article aims to address this challenge by exploring the ways in which enterprises in the food industry of Ukraine can enhance their sales activities in the context of international economic activity.
The article starts by discussing the key factors that affect sales efficiency, such as product quality, pricing, distribution, promotion, and customer service. These factors are crucial for enterprises to consider when developing sales strategies and tactics. The article then reviews the existing literature on sales strategies and tactics that can be applied in the food industry. Based on this review, the study identifies the most effective sales strategies in the food industry, which include product differentiation, cost leadership, and customer intimacy.
The research methodology includes a combination of theoretical approaches, including a literature review, expert interviews, and statistical analysis. The results indicate that the implementation of a customer-centric approach to sales, the use of modern marketing tools and techniques, the development of a strong distribution network, the optimization of pricing strategies, and the continuous monitoring and analysis of sales performance can improve the sales efficiency of enterprises in the food industry.
In conclusion, the article provides practical recommendations for enterprises in the food industry of Ukraine to enhance their sales activities in the context of international economic activity. These recommendations can help enterprises develop effective sales strategies and tactics, adapt to changing market conditions and customer preferences, and continuously improve their sales performance. Overall, the article contributes to the literature on sales efficiency and can be useful for managers, marketers, and researchers in the food industry and related fields.
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