
Engagement of youth in the formation and implementation of youth policy at the local level in the conditions of war

The general formulation of the issue and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Youth policy is very important for any country because young people are the main resource for the future development of the state. Ukraine is no exception, and youth policy presents great importance from the scientific perspective.

Forming the complex mechanism for state administration in the field of social formation and development of young people

The essence of the concept of “complex mechanism for state administration” is found. The model of interaction between state, society and youth is presented. The matrix of complex mechanism in the field of social formation and development of young people is developed.

Perspectives of the state building and Ukrainian national idea in the works of Ivan Franko

Ivan Franko’s thoughts on the topic of the Ukrainian national idea and perspectives of Ukrainian statehood in the early twentieth century were researched. The material of the journalistic heritage clarifies the views of Ivan Franko on the essence of the Ukrainian national idea and the means of its realization, in particular, the role of the young generation in consolidating all national-patriotic forces in the struggle for the independence and unity of Ukraine.

Formation and implementation of state youth employment policy at regional level in Ukraine (1991 – 2020)

Problem setting. In the conditions of transition from command-administrative to market economy, decentralization reform of public administration, new priorities in connection with the European integration course of Ukraine, models of the state youth employment policy at the regional level have changed significantly. Trends of job cuts, increase in both open and hidden youth unemployment, as well as the level of young people’s outflow abroad call for development of new approaches and methods of relevant public policy.

Strengthening micro-entrepreneurship for the disadvantaged youth in Middle East and North Africa

The article presents the research of tools that stimulate micro-entrepreneurship for unemployed youth, facilitate self-employment, formalize entrepreneurship and lessen the gender gap in business. The proposals
developed are aimed at creating new business opportunities for the unemployed young people. Centers of Professional Orientation and Integration (CPOI) create and utilize online database, combining business and education resources.
This database is the key element of the system as it accumulates information about labor market for CPOI,