
Higher economic education and the needs of the modern labor market

The issue of the quality of higher economic education, and its compliance with the requirements of applicants was and is relevant for all educational systems, regardless of the level of economic development of the country. In the conditions of a full-scale war in Ukraine, institutions of higher education should be oriented as much as possible to the formation of competitive educational programs that would take into account the needs of the modern labor market and the post-war recovery of Ukraine.

Development of Exports of Knowledge-intensive Services as a Catalyst for Innovation

At the present stage, the knowledge-intensive services sector is one of the key drivers of the global knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-intensive services cover a wide range of market, finan- cial, high-tech, social and other services based on the knowledge and experience of highly qualified specialists. This type of services acts as a catalyst for innovation activities of organizations based on an organic combination of production processes, research and development activities and consumer needs.

Circular Model of Interaction of Enterprise Innovation Capacity and Exports

In the current conditions of globalization and European integration, the need for the development of innovative economy and activation of export activity, innovation capacity is one of the key drivers of export diversification towards science-intensive products. An important prerequisite for starting and developing export activity is not only the availability of sufficient innovation potential, but also the willingness, need and feasibility of introducing and commercializing innovative products in foreign markets.

Theoretical and practical approaches to identification of stakeholder interests of the company

In the article the approaches to stakeholder interests identification are proposed. The developed approaches are directed at identification of types of stakeholder interests and their localization in the company value chain.