Circular Model of Interaction of Enterprise Innovation Capacity and Exports

: pp. 46 - 58
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

In the current conditions of globalization and European integration, the need for the development of innovative economy and activation of export activity, innovation capacity is one of the key drivers of export diversification towards science-intensive products. An important prerequisite for starting and developing export activity is not only the availability of sufficient innovation potential, but also the willingness, need and feasibility of introducing and commercializing innovative products in foreign markets. The innovation capacity is a comprehensive indicator that covers all internal and external factors that reflect an entity's ability to innovate under certain existing conditions.

The use of innovative capacity by domestic enterprises in the form of introduction and commercialization of innovations in foreign markets will ensure the development of Ukrainian technological exports. At the same time, innovative activity of domestic enterprises in foreign markets on the basis of monitoring the activities of key market entities (consumers, competitors, partners) leads to the learning of business structure through the acquisition and absorption of innovative ideas and experience.

All of the above mentioned forms a closed cyclical process, which is based on the following key tenets: under the influence of integration and globalization processes, as well as the functioning of an integrated network of stakeholders, the innovative capacity of the enterprise is an effective driver for the implementation and commercialization of the results of its innovative activity at the foreign markets; during the commercialization of the results of innovative activity of the enterprise, their diffusion between potential consumers occurs; due to innovation activity during the commercialization of the results of innovative activity , the enterprise monitors consumers, counterparties, competitors, who may be carriers of future innovative ideas, and thus the export-learning mechanism is implemented; the result of learning by exporting can be the absorption of innovative ideas by the enterprise that increase the level of its innovation capacity.

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