
Glass glowing specimens in museums: problems of preservation and popularization

The research concerns glass glowing specimens preserved in such museums as Lviv History Museum, Historical Museum of the town of Vynnyky, Volodymyr-Volynsky Historical Museum and Kremenets Regional Museum of Local Lore. Although glass glowing specimens are available in the museums of historic character, they are not always properly presented in the exposition. One of the reasons is that the craft of glass-glowing has not gained sufficient popularization in Ukrainian historiography, despite the centuries-old tradition of glass glowing.

Problems of preservation and display of artillery of the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries in museums

Today in Ukraine sciences like museology and weaponology are being actively developed, military history of our country is greatly popularized. There is a growing interest, especially among young people, in military museums and weapon museum collections, which causes the need to reform museum exhibitions of weapons relatively to challenges of our time taking into account the latest technological capabilities and consumer needs. 

The palace and garden complex in Wlodowice. Prospects for restoration against other tourist attractions of the Krakow-Czestochowa Jura

The article analyses potential restoration of a historic park and palace complex in Włodowice. 
It discusses the pragmatics of preservation in conservation practice. Furthermore, the author suggests possible courses of action designed to bring clarity to the original layout of the complex and popularize the commune as a tourist attraction.