Today in Ukraine sciences like museology and weaponology are being actively developed, military history of our country is greatly popularized. There is a growing interest, especially among young people, in military museums and weapon museum collections, which causes the need to reform museum exhibitions of weapons relatively to challenges of our time taking into account the latest technological capabilities and consumer needs.
One of the factors of the preservation of the national identity is an accessibility to review historical monuments, including ancient artillery, which has always been and still is a kind of a symbol of the power of those whom belongs to. Putting into scientific use the maximum number of cannons, and here we mean all models collected in museums and private collections – will make possible the complete opening of the historical fate of artillery in Ukraine, and fill the pages of national history with new colors.
Artillery of XIV–XVIII centuries is a collectible weapon that has artistic, historic, ethnographic, cultural, scientific and antique value, and should be preservated and protected under the law Ukraine.
It is not enough just to put the cannon on exhibition. It is important to put it into a historical context where the barrel becomes a real reliable source of historical information. This requires a proper definition of the typology of the barrel, the implementation of professional measurements and description of the cannon. Where, when, by whom, for whom is made, whom belonged to, in which events participated the cannon? How did it get into the museum? Another important point is the professional decryption of heraldry, epigraphy and marking on the barrel, if there are available. That is the best possible realization of all stages of attribution of the subject.
An important aspect of organizing the collection of artillery in museums is its accounting, which means making the fund-accounting records. This process is very important in the context of attribution of a cannon, as it documentary provides a record of all known amount of the information about the subject.
Old artillery – is one of the components of the material and historical culture heritage of nation. The task of museums is to maximize the coverage of all aspects of the problem for visitors, and to make funds available for scientists.
Paradoxical as it sounds, but museology and weaponology today in Ukraine are quite young sciences In the last decade they have been rapidly developmed – there were held professional conferences, were published profound research in this field, methodical material has been creating, gradually unifieds terminology. A whole brunch of scientists on the basis of a lot of Ukrainian universities and museums are working on museology and weaponology, to output it to a new level.
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