Assessment of sustainability of the Lviv city transport system according to the indicator of accessibility

: 11-19
Received: August 26, 2021
Accepted: September 28, 2021
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Transport accessibility of the territory determines the possibility of getting a certain area using a certain transport mode of the existing transport network. The paper describes the concept of accessibility of the territory as a factor of sustainability of the urban transport system and methods of its assessment for urban conditions. It is proposed to use the indicator of the number of non-stop public transport routes between transport zones as a criterion for the "cost" of travel. Non-stop travel increases the comfort of public transport and reduces the financial costs of the passenger. The route network of the city of Lviv and interconnections of transport zones by public transport routes (bus, tram, and trolleybus) are analyzed. Modelling of passenger traffic volumes and their distribution by modes (private transport, public transport, and pedestrian traffic) was done in the PTV Visum software based on the matrix of a duration of movement and the matrix of the number of non-stop routes. It was found that at commensurate distances between transport zones, the number of non-stop routes increases the share of public transport users. The relationship between the number of non-stop routes and the share of public transport users is described by the logarithmic dependence. Comparing the simulated passenger flows on the public transport routes with the results of field researches, it was found that taking into account the number of non-stop routes between transport zones during the simulation allows increasing the accuracy of the results. Further research may focus on analyzing the impact of other factors that characterize the accessibility of the territory on the distribution of transport users between modes, and on the development of recommendations to the responsible city authorities to improve the city's passenger route network.

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